26. Look what you made me do

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Shannon's POV

I was sitting in my dressing room, getting ready to play my role when my phone rang. I looked at the screen and smiled when I saw Katy's number on it. I quickly picked it up.

"Kate! Hi slut. What's up?" I said happily.

"I-i'm so s-sorry." Katy sobbed making me frown. Why is she sorry?

"Oh my God, Kate what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"I-i really didn't mean t-to, Shan." She whispered. I felt lost now. I had no idea what she meant.

"You didn't mean to what? Kate tell me what's wrong!" I screamed.

"I love y-you so much, Shanny. You-" A loud bang cut her off. Did she drop her phone?

"Kate?!" I yelled.

"I'm s-sorry." I heard her voice from a distance.

"Kate? Kate, baby. Tell me everything is okay. Fuck!" I screamed as I ran with my phone still next to my ear.

"I have to leave!" I yelled when I found my boss.

"You can't just leave, Shannon." He turned to me.

"I have to!" I screamed. "Look, boss. My best friend is not okay. Something happened and I need to check on her."

"Can't someone else do it?" He asked.

"No! I'm going. I don't care about my job! She needs my help and if she dies, it's your fucking fault!" I yelled making everyone look at me but I didn't give a fuck about them.

I quickly ran to my car and drove to Katy. I probably broke every rule but I wanted to see Katy as soon as possible. I parked my car in front of her house and jumped out of it. I unlocked the door with my own key and walked into the quiet hallway.

"Kate?" I yelled. "Baby where are you?"

I checked her living room, kitchen, every guest room downstairs then went upstairs to her bedroom. I walked slowly into the room and noticed half open bathroom door. I opened it wider and froze at the view in front of me, my eyes widened. My mouth dropped as a loud sob escaped them. I covered my mouth with my hand shocked and quickly ran to Katy. She was lying lifelessly in the middle of the room, blood all over her clothes and everywhere around her with her phone in it. She must have dropped it. I kneeled next to her and shook her shoulders lightly. I took my phone and dialed emergency number.

"Please, wake up, baby." I screamed. "You have to wake up, Katheryn!"

"Hello?" I heard woman's voice.

"Hi! I need help! My best friend isn't breathing. She's bleeding and I have no idea what to do! You need to help her, please. She can't die!" I said quickly on one breath.

"Calm down, miss. Tell me where are you. We're on our way." Woman said. I told her Katy's address and hung up. I held Katy's bloody hand in my own crying. She can't die. Why did she even do it? I started praying when I heard someone running toward us and the next thing I remember was two big hands pulling me away from Katy. I looked at someone familiar kneeling in the same place I was before. He wrapped towels around her wrists to stop the bleeding. He laid his hands on her chest and started resuscitating her.

"Call emergency!" He screamed to me as he took a deep breath and leaned in to her. He let the air to her mouth and did it again. Then he returned his actions on her chest.

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