2. Heartbreak girl

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Katy's POV

A few days later it was still me and my bed. Everything sucked. I was in the studio a few times but nothing new was created.

Status for the day: depressed.

When I was about to watch another episode of Grey's Anatomy, my phone rang and I decided to check it out.

Shanny is calling...

I pressed quickly green button because I missed my best friend. She worked her ass off in New York when I was in my bed back in LA doing completely nothing.

"Heeey slut!" Shannon screamed happily in my ear and it was the first time I really smiled in a week.

"Hi bitch! What's up?" I asked.

"Everything's great. Anyway, we ended filming and I'm back home. I have an idea! We should have a movie night! What do you think?" She suggested and I just couldn't say no to her.

"Sure! Come to my place whenever you want."

"I'll be there in 20!" Typical Shannon.

I hung up and ran to my walk-in closet. I got dressed in my favourite pink sweatshirt and shorts in the same color. I went downstair and cleaned in the living room. When I was done, I saw car parked on my driveway and heard the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw a short girl with beautiful long brown hair and little happy eyes in the same color.

"I missed my bestie soooo much!" She said in a childish voice hugging me tightly.

"I missed you too, Shanny." I whispered hugging her back.

"I'm picking a movie and you're making popcorn!" She screamed and ran to the couch.

When I was ready with our food, I went to the living room and sat next to Shannon. She picked 'The notebook' and we started watching, eating and laughing. Of course we got bored in the middle of the film and started talking.

"So how are you? Any performances soon?" Shannon started.

"I'm fine. I'm going to the Golden Globes but I won't sing."

"I love Golden Globes! And how's John?" She asked. I was hoping that she won't ask about him but she had to. I wanted to lie but she's my best friend and I need to be honest with her.

"We needed a b-break." I whispered underneath my breath and her lips formed in the 'o' shape.

"Why?" She asked.

"We didn't have time for each other. We have songs to write and shows to sing, you know? I ended things with him but I feel like I made a huge mistake." I said sadly.

"I think it's the right thing you did. But you said you took a break so there's a chance you're going to get back together."

"I hope so." And she hugged me.

"Now stop worrying and have fun with me. C'mon, everyone wants to spend some time with the one and only Shannon Woodward!" She laughed pushing my shoulder.


I woke up the next morning and went downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and started laughing out loud when I saw my crazy friend singing and dancing to 'Stupid' by Kacey Musgraves.

"It's definitely your song!" I giggled. She stoped dancing and blushed.

"Hey girl! I made breakfast for you." She said happily giving me a plate with eggs and bacon.

"Yummy! You know how much I love you, don't you?" I said with mouth full of this delicious food. Shannon giggled and ate her egg.

When we ended, I washed the dishes. We had all day free so we decided to go to the beach. We got dressed and drove to the private beach and laid on the hot sand. It was beautiful day. Sun was shining and water was warm. My phone buzzed as I was about to say something. I saw John's name and I didn't want to open his messages but of course Shan did. She read them out loud:

"Please pick up, Katy."

"We need to talk."

"Please Katy"

"You can't break up with me." I already did it.

My phone buzzed again. He wrote "I need you".

"Wow...he truly loves you." My best friend said shocked.

"I don't know what to do, Shannon."

"Don't think about it now. C'mon we're going swimming" She said smiling and helped me get up.

I'm so thankful for having Shannon in my life. I have no idea what I would do if she wasn't here. She always knows how to make me smile and forget about my problem. I thank God for giving me her everyday.


Golden Globes day

I was doing fine. Thanks to Shannon. She helped me a lot. I was ready for the day and my hopefully fresh start. John was still calling and messaging me but I learnt to ignore it. Of course I knew that we'll see each other sooner or later but I prefered it to be later than sooner.

I had a few hours to get ready for the gala. Johnny handed me long pink dress. It was beautiful yet it looked like pajamas but I was too lazy to argue with him. Todd did my makeup perfectly like always and I was done. My limo was waiting for me on my driveway. I took my purse and wore high heels. Tamra locked the front door and we all went to the car.


Honestly, Golden Globes were great. The most of the time I was talking with Mia and Sam Smith. I also met Jennifer Goddess Lawrence. She was sooo sweet and gorgeous. After party was even more better! I was dancing and drinking with my friends when Orlando Bloom walked to me and suggested to dance together. I was like hell yeah because of the alcohol in my blood. And we danced all night. He was really handsome and I didn't know why he wanted to spend his time with me like hello I'm just a crazy girl and he's Orlando fucking Bloom. I definitely drank too much but I had fun and that's what matter. We giggled and flirted. I was living in my teenage dream again and i loved it.



I'm sorry guys but my phone is broken and i cant update 😧

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