3. Half of my heart

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^This song is for the flashback!!!

Katy's POV

The following morning my phone buzzed on my nightstand and woke me up. I pressed the main button and saw that it was already noon. I had a few messages from Tamra saying that I have to go to the studio; some from John which I ignored and one from unknown number. I opened the last one.

"Hi Katy. It's Orlando. Would you like to meet up later?" He wrote. How did he get my number?

"I'd love to! Just tell me where and when ;)" I typed and pressed 'send'.

"The Griddle Cafe at 3pm?"

"Sounds good. See you there." I replied and locked my phone. I decided to take a shower. I picked a flower dress that was cut just above the knees with matching sandals and a black leather jacket. I applied a light makeup and curled my black hair. When I was done, I took my phone and keys. I locked my door and got in my Audi. The ride was thankfully short and there wasn't any traffic. I parked my car. As I looked into the mirror, I ran my fingers through my loose curls. I applied a little bit of my favorite lipstick and got out of the car. Something in my mind wanted to try and impress him. I knew I didn't have to...he was just a friend...for now.

As I walked into the cafe, I saw him checking something on his phone. He saw me too and stood up with beautiful red roses in his left hand. I walked to him with a small smile.

"I hope you like roses." Orlando said as he gave me bouquet.

"You're a cutie and I love them. Thank you." I said.

"You shouldn't call men a 'cutie'" He laughed.

"Ugh, shut up." I giggled.

We ate our dinner and talked. I got to know him better and he's really passionate with his job. Orlando loves helping people and he's very funny too. We drove to the beach to see the sunset. We sat on the still warm sand watching the setting sun. It was gorgeous and romantic. I looked around and noticed that we were on the same beach where John took me on a date. We shared our first 'i love you's and kiss here. My smile fade and memories from that night returned.


It was our sixth date and I was positive about my relationship with John. We weren't a boyfriend and girlfriend yet but I was sure about my feelings. I was falling for him but I had no idea what he felt towards me. I needed love badly after my divorce but I didn't want to take this relationship too serious and scare him. Someone has hurt us in the past and we helped each other. My depression was gone and John was getting better too. We were like two lonely souls who finally found the missing puzzel piece. We hoped for better tomorrow. We learnt to love again. I was thinking that this divorce was all my fault; that I wasn't good enough; that I'll never know the answer what is wrong with me or what I did wrong. I didn't know what I did to deserve this. I was sure there was a reason. But the truth is, I didn't do anything wrong. It wasn't me, it was Russell. John made me realize it. He offered me a shoulder to cry on.
And here we were, walking hand in hand watching the most magical sunset. Our first sunset. Our fresh start.

John stopped and took my little hands in his big hands. His small loving brown eyes locked with my big turquoise ones.

"Katy, we have known each other for a long time. I had a crush on you since I first saw you. It killed me when I was seeing you with other man who wasn't me. I always dreamed of you." He said and I had tears in my eyes. "And here we are, two damaged souls who wanted to be loved.." He laughed but immediately became serious. "I wanted to ask you about it for some time now...I'll always tell you how gorgeous you are and I'm asking myself everyday what I did to deserve such an angel in my life." I giggled. He sweeped some hair out of my face and continued. "You really do look like an angel in this sun, sweetness. I want to spend the rest of my life by your side. I want to make you happy everyday because you're my Prism. So I wanted to ask if you want to be my girlfriend because I love you so much." He ended and happy tears were rolling down my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer that there was nothing between us. We were making out until the complete sunset.

I pulled away and said catching my breath. "I love you too, John." He smiled adorably and rubbed my lower back. We sat down watching waves and enjoying each other company.

"I was afraid you wouldn't want to be with me" He said after a few minutes of silence.

"Why?" I asked confused as I ran my fingers through his short brown hair.

"You're too good to be true." He said as he kissed my forehead.

"No...I'm...not" I giggled between the kisses.

"Yes, you are, sweetness." John laughed and pecked my lips a few times. I let him win this time and I sat on his lap hugging him. He hugged me back and laid down with me on top of him. John started to sing 'Danny's Song' while he was massaging my back.

"You'll be my wife one day." He said when he ended the song. He held my hand and played with my fingers. I looked in his eyes and smiled.

"You really want this?" I asked.

"Of course, sweetness. Besides, my mother will kill me if i let you go." John laughed and I giggled with him."You're the one for me." He said seriously kissing my cheek.

"Same to you." I smiled widely as I kissed his chest.

The sun was no longer visible on the horizon and I started shivering. John noticed it and gave me his jacket. What a gentleman. We talked about our past and future.

"I don't want to be with someone else in the future." I said scared.

"I don't want it either, Kate." He said as he rubbed his hand along my arm. "I don't want it either." He whispered again kissing my hair...

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