21. Little do you know

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January 2017

Katy's POV

It's now January and me and Orlando are back from Japan. No, he didn't find out about me and John. And yes, we were playing a 'happy couple' for months now. Of course we looked perfect when we were in public or with our families but once we were back home there was always a fight. I was sleeping in my main bedroom and he was staying in guest room. I know, it's sick. You would probably ask why didn't we break up? Actually, I have no idea. Maybe it's because of Flynn or maybe I just don't wanna let him win. I just don't know how to break up with him. I'm such a baby, okay? Don't blame me. Oh, also my hair are to my shoulders now and they're like blond with orange. Don't worry, they're gonna look good at the end.

I was sitting in the studio now, working on my upcoming album when Tamra ran into the room. I looked at her questionably as she tried to catch her breath.

"D-did you- new- ep- John-" She tried to say.

"Hey, calm down and tell me slowly what's wrong." I told her and she did so.

"Did you hear John's new ep?"

"No, why? What's wrong with it?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"It's about you. Come on." She said as she searched it in her phone. "Look, 'You're gonna live forever in me' or 'Still feel like your man'." She played them and I felt goosebumps when I heard his guitar skills and then voice.

"It doesn't mean that it's about me, Tam." I said after we listened to his songs.

"He told them that it's about you. He said that he hasn't dated anyone else in the last five years." Tamra replied quickly.

"Fuck." I mumbled. "Actually, it's kinda sweet. No one has ever written a song for me."

"Katy, it's your ex-boyfriend!" Tam screamed. "You're with Orlando."

"You never know if we'll get back together someday." I smirked.

"What have you done, Katheryn?" She asked worriedly as I bit my bottom lip. "Oh God, tell me! Tell me!"

"I slept with him back in Shanghai." I whispered.

"No way!" Her mouth fell open.

"Yes way." I returned.

"You have to tell me everything!" She laughed.

"Of course miss!" I giggled. "There's a lot to tell!"

"You're such a bad girl." Tamra said laughing.

"He said that too." I smirked playing with my fingers.

"Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson!" She screamed, her eyes opened wider.

John's POV

I was sitting in a small restaurant I used to visit with Katy. I was finishing my last song for my album while I was drinking black coffee. I once again started thinking about Katy. She was on my mind all the time for months now but what can I do? I wanted to go to her birthday party but I would die looking at her with Orlando playing this stupid game. Yes, I saw photos of them smiling, kissing and so on. I wanted to throw up just looking at him, his disgusting arms wrapped around her. Why was she doing it? He hurt her so many times but she still wanted to be with him. What is fucking wrong with her? Is she blind or something? I don't get it. I'm just so lost right now.

I was looking out of the window still thinking about their sick relationship when I noticed someone familiar walking down the street with a man, talking. You have to be fucking kidding me. It wasn't just someone. It was Orlando. I frowned as they were walking directly to the same restaurant I was sitting in. I dropped my head, looking at my notebook as they opened the door.

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