10. Challenge between ASR and KKG

Start from the beginning

"The day is not far when you realize the thorn is far more than important in your life and I'll make sure of it" he smirked closing the distance between us.

"Thorn will never be important it'll always hurt others" I smirked wickedly.

"You're wrong wifey, thorns are created for protecting it's own" i wish i could wipe off that smirk from his face.

Before i could give him back he started taking rounds around me. I stood unaffected until he started speaking.

"There'll be certain rules and regulations for my wife to follow and i am happy to announce that you're going to follow that hereafter" he stopped infront of me.

How dare he? I'll never bend for his wishes nor conditions.

"Look this is not your office to put rules and regulations" i pushed him slightly as he was standing close to me.

"I never said this was my office but it was created by you for yourself" he pointed his finger at me.

What he's saying? What rules he's talking about?

Like hearing my thoughts he cleared my confusion.

"First, i'll expect every wifey duties from you and you should fulfill it without fail. You need not to worry about being with me, I am not a monster to force any girl" he said shocking me.

"What? You're kidding right?" Did my ears hear properly? Till yesterday he was all okay with my distant behaviour. What happened now? I thought if i put terms and condition all will be fine but here it is happening in reverse. He continues breaking my thought process.

"Second, we're not complete strangers anymore, we're husband and wife so you should know my schedule, likes, dislikes and vice versa" before i could object he continued his so-called rules..who would obey all this? I shrugged mentally.

"Don't expect me to keep distance from you. You should accompany me for official work-related parties which promotes my public status"

"Last but least your identity will be revealed before media. I hate to keep my relationship status in dark"

I folded my arms across in determination "Finished speaking? Do you think I'll obey your so-called rules?" I questioned raising my eyebrows. Whatever conditions i thought he's keeping the same but was in his favour.

"Do you think I'll let you disobey me?" I found strong resolution and challenge in his eyes which has the power to shake my resolve. No, i can't be weak. I should not give up my resolve. I'll never be a wife to anyone let alone arnav.

"Are you going to force me?" I asked unsure of his new changed behavior.

"If needed.. I'll never hesitate to do anything which makes you as mine" he said with danger glint.

"You can't control me like that, I didn't give permission for anyone to play with my life"

"Too late to speak wifey...You should think all this before marrying me. Now we're married.. you know it's outcome right" his cool behaviour gave me negative vibes. Two days back he was cool but not like this. What have you done khushi?

Even though i am getting alerts by his behaviour i plastered a brave face before him "You are doing wrong arnav. You'll never be my husband..never..."

"Then who khushi?" He asked next instant.

I..."What?" I shuttered.

"Who has the capability to become your husband?"

My heart beats increased by his questions, what can i say him? How can i say to him that the person who has those capabilities was no more? How...if i told the truth then he'll try to convince me to lead a life with him which I can't...

"Be ready to become Mrs. Arnav singh raizada" I snapped out of reverie hearing his phrase.

Collecting all my hidden courage "Let's see" i challenged making his smile wider. Why he's smiling?

He smirked in return before stormed out from there.

My legs slumped down not able to bear the pressure i am handling from past days. I know i put the blame on him when the fault was solely on me. Till now i was angry on him for making me go through this marriage thing when from the start i showed nothing but my disinterest in each and every moment. But now it took 180-degree turn, how i am going to handle this new change? Only if i controlled my tongue this could be avoided.

P.S: Few days back i got to know that this story is nominated in IPKKND parivar award club. If you guys like this story please show your support by commenting +1 in inline on voting page.


Thank you for your support on previous update. I got mixed response for the question i asked in previous update, some want ASR and some want arnav so i decided to take middle ground. He'll be both. Arnav in sometimes and ASR in sometimes. But here ASR will not be too tough or dark. ASR will always have arnav beneath him which will expose one in other occasions.

Next update- Friday (10/11/17)

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