Chapter 1

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"FUCK ME!" I yelled, jumping out of bed, still half asleep.

I hopped into the shower and washed myself half heartedly due to the fact that I was running out of time. I glanced at my phone and acknowledged that I only have twenty minutes left to get ready and arrive at the Howlton mansion.

"I knew I should've put an alarm before going on a Netflix marathon! I always fall asleep without any awareness! WHY AM I LIKE THIS!?" I shouted and whined.

"SHUT UP! I'M STUDYING!" Joy - my younger sister, yelled at the top of her lungs. I quickly covered my mouth out of embarrassment and clicked my tongue. Who study at this time of the day?

Dashing out of the bathroom, I immediately put on a formal outfit that I picked out the night before and put my hair into a tight ponytail. For my makeup, I just went with my casual everyday look and headed out of my bedroom with my favorite purse in my hand.

"The apartment need to be clean by the time I came back! Don't bring a friend over without informing me first!" I spoke as loud as possible so my airhead sister will hear. She always find dumb excuses such as I didn't hear you, speak louder next time to avoid doing chores. That won't happen today. I'll even text her or go as far as calling her as a reminder.

"Yeah yeah. Good luck on your interview" Said Joy, sitting on the couch reading a novel and call it studying. Her voice was so plain, I didn't feel the luck she was wishing for me at all.

I rushed out the door and entered my car, driving to the Howlton mansion in fast speed. I must get there on time. If I let this chance slip out of my sleeves, I won't be able to pay rents and pay for my sister's tuition.

Joy and I moved out of our parents home ever since I was a first year in college. Back then, things were easy and exciting because I didn't have to worry about making money. My dad would send me the money I need and pay for my college as well as Joy's school. The only struggle I had was feeling homesick. I was depressed for awhile because I couldn't go home and visit my loved ones with the hectic schedules.

Now that I have to make money by myself, I am close to falling back into depression. My hair is falling out because of stress. I keep searching for new jobs that pays well and locates close to my apartment. I quitted my recent job because the environment was so shitty and the salary was also low.

Most importantly, my bestfriend found an ad online about some rich family looking for a babysitter and that they really need one fast. The thing is I wasn't going to look after a baby twelve hours a day, six days a week. I don't even like children to start with but the amount of money that was announced on the website was unbelievably high, especially for a babysitter.

I've never gotten a job that comes with such prize before so I decided to give it a shot. It doesn't matter if I like kids or not. All I have to do is taking care of them. I'll just put them to sleep most of the time and do my things. They live in a mansion right? There must be garden and swimming pool so I won't get bored.

Following the address given by the people who manage the website, I arrived at a very secretive looking mansion. The atmosphere was so quiet all I can hear after stepping out of the car were bird's chirping and the strong wind hitting the tall trees leafs.

Just staring at the mansion intimidates me. It's almost send chills down my spine to think there are actual people living here. I will not hesitate to quit this job as soon as I sense uninvited spirits and ghosts. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if this mansion is haunted.

My heart pounded excitingly as a huge swimming pool came into view. It was located right in the middle of the garden making the urge of stripping and jumping into the pool almost impossible to control.

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