Old Habits Part 2.

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We sat in silence but it was a comfortable silence. There was music playing in the background but it was soft. There was something about having her around me that managed to make me forget everything and just focus on her. We stopped at a red light making me look over to her and smile.

She was on her phone scrolling through something making me take this time to study her features. I have to admit that ever since we broke she's gotten...sexier? God there was no word to describe how amazing she looked. She looked away from her phone and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

Kendall:"What?"She asked making me shake my head and clear my throat.

Y/n:"Nothing..."I said looking forward making her move in her seat a little. I felt her hand on my chin making me turn and face her to see her looking at me with curiosity in her eyes.

Kendall:"Tell me...."She said softly making me gulp but speck up.

Y/n:"You just look good....really good"I blurted out. Its like I had no flirter and all I could do was stare at those eyes that looked into my soul.

Kendall:"You don't look to bad yourself Y/l/n"She said smirking a little making me let out a small laugh. I hadn't noticed how close our faces were until now making me heart race like crazy.

Y/n:"We're really close..."I said making her hum and move closer to me until her lips were ghosting over mines. As I was about to connect our lips we heard a car horn making us both pull away abruptly. I saw that the light was green making me start driving again.

I saw her glance at me making me keep my eyes on the road not daring to look at her. What the hell was I thinking?! I'm seeing Camila and if I kissed Kendall it wouldn't have been right especially since I wanted to move on. I wanted to move on right? The drive to Malibu was quite but after out little moment it was a little uncomfortable.

We arrived at the carnival and it was already packed with people and cars. I parked the car and walked to Kendall's side and opened the door for her taking her by surprise. I helped her out and closed the door as the others walked up to us.

Zayn:"This place is packed!"He said making us all nod and walk to the entrance. We all paid and walked in seeing all the rides set up along with a few booths and food places.

Gigi:"This place looks amazing Y/n!"She said making me smile and look around spotting my family along with Camila and Kendall's family.

Camila:"Babe!"She said running up to me and hugging me making me pick her up and smile. I knew what I was about to do earlier was messed up and I had to tell her but not right now. To be fair though we're not dating officially....

Y/n:"Hey baby"I mumbled into her neck making her shiver a little. She pulled away and pecked my lips making me smile a little.

Camila:"This place looks amazing!"She said making everyone laugh a little. I looked over and saw Kendall with a small frown making me frown a little but cover it up.

Kim:"This placed is packed and its only an hour now...."She said making my family and I smile.

Y/d/n:"Well we're happy about it"He said making us all nod.

Ava:"The more people, the more money there is for us to give away and help everyone"She said making everyone smile.

Y/m/n:"Honestly though thank you all for helping us out....without you all I don't think this would have been done"She said making them all mumble 'you're welcomes'

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