59 ~ Top Of The Pyramid

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The water was as clear as the blue sky, shimmering in the sun. It instantly brought a smile to Louis' face when he saw the whole scene.

Something like the Caribbean is all Louis could picture it as, he went a few times when he was younger. The sea and sand soft beneath his tiny feet, dancing with his mum to tropical music that he didn't understand, the good old times. Remembering the salty scent and taste. Everything making him feel more relaxed and comfortable.

"It's beautiful." He admired, beaming at Harry. He nodded in agreement. Robin and Anne slid into the loop warm lake calmly while the brothers were wrestling and already drenched. "Come on Haz we need you as the top of the pyramid!" Sebastian shouted from across the waves before being pushed under the water by Will, showing his playful side.

"Go on then, impress me with your balancing skills, Mr Styles" Louis kissed Harry's cheek before pushing Harry into the water, making sure his towel didn't go in with him. Harry gasped as he made his way to the surface, whipping his hair out of his face. "I will!" Harry laughed, before quickly stroking over to his boisterous brothers.

Louis rolled his eyes laughing at all of them, no one knew about this place, and he loved it. After setting down both his and Harry's towels. he dived in as well, meeting Anne and Robin.

"It's warmer than expected," Louis smiled gliding his hands over the ripples. "Oh it's amazing isn't it! I knew you would love it up here Louis. We can be free up here, not needing to worry about.. anything." She shrugged, winking at him. Louis smiled back, "I still can't get my head around you guys keeping this a secret for so long and keeping it from humans, isn't it hard?"

She shook her head, "when you control it you are capable of keeping the secret. That's why you have to train for so long, practise and practise and you'll get it right. It's only like teaching a baby how to walk and speak." Louis hummed, understanding. "Harry's got a lot better with it since he's been with you." Louis grinned, bowing his head.

"Yes he's still not fully under control because he's still young but it can also be because of emotions. He's a very sensitive and loving person and when he changed.." she paused, her glow fading a little bit. "He isolated himself from everything, yes that's what we're meant to do before we can control it but not like Harry did." She wrapped and arm around Louis and kissed his head.

"You're making him appreciate life again Louis, so thank you so much for bringing my boy back." Louis blushed and hugged her, "he's helped me a lot too," Louis turned to look as Harry was climbing up the towers of boys. "LOUIS!" He screamed when he reached the top, Louis clapped and laughed, adoring him.

"Well done!" He shouted back, but then all the brothers heads flicked up and so did Harry's.

He jumped off quickly and swam over. Anne had now moved from Louis side and was out of the water with a towel wrapped around herself. It all happened so quickly. All the smiles had vanished and were replaced with white, pale glances of worry.

"H-Harry what's happening-" Louis swam over to Harry and followed him out of the pool, he didn't reply. "I thought you said that they weren't in town today?!" Will cursed, stomping to his mother. "T-They weren't!" She fretted, turning to Louis. "W-We have to go-" Harry caught onto Louis' shoulder and started to walk away but Robin stopped him. "No Harry, they'll have better chance in catching him if you go now. It's safer if we all stay together."

Harry nodded unsurely and backed back up to the rest of the family. "M-Mum what should I do?" Harry cracked, holding Louis tighter. She turned swiftly and yanked Will's towel from around him and wrapped it around Louis, rubbing it in his hair. "This'll confuse them with the smell. We'll just have to go with it Harry. When they go, leave straight away."

"W-What's happening." Louis repeated, being pushed to the back of the family with Harry. "Others." He sighed bluntly. "I-I'm so sorry Lou, I'm so sorry." Louis eyes widened and latched onto Harry. He was scared.

"Don't say anything okay, and stay with me. You'll be okay baby I promise, I love you." He kissed him quickly before standing in front of Louis.

A mother, the same height as Anne but with Blonde, flimsy extensions and bulging eyes. A father, big, bushy eyebrows with a hunting jacket on, around 6ft3. A daughter, petite, blonde like her mother, early twenties. The son, different, black everything, twenties like his sister.

More shapeshifters

A/N oooooooo whatcha thinks gonna happennn???

A/N oooooooo whatcha thinks gonna happennn???

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