Chapter 19 - Sneaking Around

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Logan POV

My immediate reaction was to protect her. I didn't know what happened, but I could tell whatever it was was bad and that Olivia was in pain. I was almost so focused on her I had nearly not noticed multiple hard things hitting me on the back. I grimaced as I saw a few bloody bricks at my side.

"Stay down," I tell her as we lie on the floor of the forest.

I looked around, and sure enough, the left side of the Centre Building, the side closest to us, had been almost completely destroyed. My eyes trail down to Olivia's lower leg and I instantly get off of her at the sight of blood streaks running down her leg.

"Liv," I whisper, gently wiping the blood which is running rapidly down the back of her calf.

She flips herself onto her back and pushes herself up with one arm and winces at my touch, "ouch."

"Sorry," I instantly pull away, "are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's not the same leg I was shot in and it doesn't hurt too bad," she assures me.

I looked over at the commotion and could make out two figures dressed in all black being pinned down by many guards.

"We need to get out of here before another one goes off," I say and she takes my hand so I can pull her up.

She gasps as she suddenly falls, grabbing onto my arms. I look down at her leg again, "can you walk?"

She shakes her head, "not very fast."

I frown at her, really not liking the sight of her in pain. Quickly kissing her on the lips to comfort her, I crouched and lifted her up to carry her bridal-style. I paused, how can I get her somewhere safe without being seen? I had already convinced Betty to keep quiet about us- as long as I told her the truth as she had insisted.

"Where are we going?" She asks me, the colour draining slightly from her face.

I glance at her leg again, "I can't leave you. You're coming back to my castle."

She suddenly panics and squirms in my arms, "no! How are we going to explain this? And I need to go home!"

"Betty knows-"

"About us?" Her eyes widen.

"She was there the first time and there was no way I could get around it when she saw you at that meeting too. With her help I can sneak you in and we can help you," I tell her.

She nods, "okay. But what about my family? They'll be looking for me!"

"We won't be long. Just please, let me take care of you," I plead and she agrees. I carried her through the trees as far as possible until the edge of the forest.

"Now what?" She asks.

"Don't worry- they'll all be focused on the wall. Besides, I know how to get in without being seen," I tell her and she laughs.

I went through the back entrance of the gardens after checking to make sure there are no guards around. Once we safely reached one of the many doors entering the castle, led up to by two rows of flowers on either side of the path, I opened the door with my elbow as I had no free hands. The door creaks open and I listen carefully.

"They must all be out to see what's going on. Now's our chance," I whisper to her and she nods.

Still carrying her, we passed through the large kitchen undetected and to a set of stairs. I catch her looking around, "is it different from yours?" I ask.

"Yeah. Really," she replies and I laugh.

I wonder what her castle is like, I think as I lightly step upstairs and along the halls with her in my arms.

"Logan," she whispers, tugging on my shirt lightly, "it hurts."

I frown at her, "I know, we'll get you fixed up soon, I promise."

I remembered her injuries from when she was attacked. Poor Liv, she's went through so much in such a short space of time. I continued to pause, listen out for people coming near us and then lightly jog down the halls so no one finds us. When I finally reached my bedroom, I opened the door with my elbow again and turn myself sideways to fit Olivia through.

I place her down on the bed gently and whisper in her ear, "wait here. I'm going to get help."

She nods weakly as I grab a shirt to put underneath her leg so that the blood doesn't get everywhere as she's still bleeding a bit. I quickly run to my en suite bathroom and wash the blood off of my arm and fix myself so to not look suspicious.

"Logan!" I hear a gasp, "your back!"

I turn around and see my shirt torn up and stained red with blood. I had felt some pain in my back but I hadn't realised it was that bad, "it's fine, don't worry."

"No it's not, you never told me you were hurt," her eyes glaze over a little, looking as though she was going to cry.

"Hey, it okay," I walk back over to her and kiss her on the lips to reassure her, "I'll get us some help, just wait here."

I run out of the room and along to my sister's before she can protest.

"Betty?" I call out, opening the door slightly, only to find the room empty.

I run directly across the hall, "Maya?" I found her room empty too.

They must be with our parents investigating the explosion, I decide. But why would they take Maya? She's only thirteen. I'd understand Betty but Maya's just a little girl.

There was no way Maya could be with our cousins, seeing as they're travelling with my aunts and uncles, leaving my parents, sisters and I alone. Logan, focus!

I find one of our Nurses and quickly bring her to the room. She gasps at my back, and I quickly tell her that I fell. I could tell she wasn't convinced, but she never questioned it and followed me.

"What happened?" She asks Olivia who looks at me, lying on my bed.

"As I said, we fell," I say quickly as to avoid any further questioning, "will she be okay?"

"Hmm-" she wipes around the cut at all the dry blood and examines the cut, "it's not too bad. Just some temporary stitches but it shouldn't hurt much longer. What about your back, Your Highness?"

"Fix her leg first, please," I respond and she nods, exiting the room to get supplies.

"You'll be okay," I say as I rub her forehead gently.

"Thank you," she reaches out and holds onto my shoulder, "you're so kind."

"Of course, beautiful," I kiss her forehead.

She turns her head to the side and smiles at me, "Logan, I - I love you."

My heart skips a beat, but I smile, that's the first time she's told me that.

I kiss her again, on the lips this time, "I love you too, Olivia."

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