Chapter 23 - Luke Meets Logan

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Luke POV

I grip my hair in frustration. What's going on and why isn't she telling me? Doesn't she trust me? Uncle Felix thinks something's up with her too and he's never wrong.

"What's up?" Theo asks, sitting directly across from me at the table as the twins look at me expectantly.

"Don't tell me you haven't noticed Olivia lately? Lydia too," I begin and the three of them nod, "something is majorly off."

"They're weird but never this weird. Like it's hard to explain but they're just- not themselves," Liam agrees.

"And they get so defensive whenever we confront them about it. Not to mention they were in the villages the day of the bombs and haven't said a word to any of us about it," Lewis adds.

"Luke, darling?" I hear the voice of my grandmother enter the hall and the four of us turn to face her.


"Felix wants you, come on," she motions for me to follow her and I quickly stand up and say goodbye to my brothers and Theo.

"Is this about the bombs?" I ask her when I know no one else can hear us.

"I think so," she nods, "you know what he's like though, he never really said much."

"Perfect timing, you two," Uncle Leo smiles over at us as we enter the King's large office.

"What's this about?" I ask ask my grandmother and I sit down.

"Our guards found some suspicious items in the possession of our suspect," Uncle Felix smiles victoriously.

I was informed a few days prior that someone was found hiding out in the centre building after the bombings with a bleeding leg, presumably from the fallout. Of course, he was arrested immediately and brought in for questioning.

He neither confirmed nor denied our suspicions, not really saying much at all. He was a strange man, who seemed to stare off into the distance and the laugh he would do when we questioned him could give me nightmares. He definitely has some mental problems, but it doesn't mean he's any less guilty.

"Are we going back then?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes," Uncle Felix nods and I smile. Nobody gets away with something like that on my watch.

This time only Uncle Felix, Uncle Jeremy and I go as the two of them are the two oldest out of my uncles and we need people at the castle just in case. Age was typically a deciding factor in things like this, I didn't really know why as maturity had nothing to do with age, but it was the way things had always been.

The guards bow as we enter the Centre Building. The prison system was underground, it was huge and used by both sides of the wall. It made things a lot easier. There was more security down there than anywhere else, of course.

We went through layers of security easily and moved towards a small room with a table and a few chairs scattered about. There was a small window, but people could only look in from the outside and not the other way around.

"Excuse me," a guard bows before my uncles, "your presence is required in the main hall."

"Go on in," Uncle Felix nudges me towards the room, "you can handle it on your own for now."

I nod, how the hell am I supposed to do this? I've never did anything like this on my own. I open the door and freeze.

"Hey, Maxwell."

No one told me Dalton boy was going to be here. Damn, Felix!

He suddenly bursts into laughter and I glare at him, "what?"

"Calm down," he laughs, "we've got bigger things to worry about.".

"Whatever," I mutter as I throw myself into the chair farthest away from him, bitch.

He laughs again, playing with a pen on the desk, "relax, I couldn't care less about you if I'm being honest. Anyway, I think it's good we're properly introduced."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I spit.

What's up with this guy? He's so calm. It's almost as if he's comfortable around me.

"I'm not interested in arguing with you," he shrugs, "when the time comes I'll let you do your thing and I'll do mine."

"When the time comes, huh?" I scoff, so he's going to be King, too..

"Sorry about that, you two," Uncle Felix and another man enter the room.

"Where's Uncle Jeremy?" I ask.

"He'll be back shortly, one of the guards have something urgent to tell either him or I so he is on his way back," he says and I nod.

Well, this is going to be fun.

Olivia POV

"There," I point towards the wall, "happy?"

"Woah," she stares at the wall in awe, "that's so cool!"

I tap my foot impatiently, "can we go now?"

"Why are you so eager to go?" She chuckles at my discomfort.

"With those bombs exploding so close to us it makes me nervous being here," I shift my weight between my feet, "and I feel guilty."

"Have you spoke to him since?" She asks me.

I shake my head, "and I don't plan to until being here isn't dangerous. I don't want us to get hurt again."

We both jump as we hear bushes rattling.

"What was that?" I whisper to my cousin, able to hear my own heartbeat.

"I don't know, we should go," she begins to push me from behind her towards the path. A rabbit jumps out from the bushes, making us both scream loudly and grab onto each other. Once we see the rabbit, we let go of each other, relieved.

"Stupid rabbit," she breathes and I laugh.

"Really, we should go now," I tel her and she nods.

We untie out horses from a tree with a thick branch sticking out, the original brach that Logan tied Violet to. I couldn't help but find sentimental value in it. It was undeniable that I missed him. I loved his white smile and dirty blonde hair and his gorgeous face and just everything about him made my heart flutter.

I really do love you, Logan Dalton.

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