Chapter 38 - The Other Side

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Olivia POV

I couldn't find Logan anywhere, and I was beginning to panic even more. I took off running in a random direction, trying to get away from the crowds. I ran into a hard figure, causing them to stumble backwards a few steps.

I look up and my heart stops.


"Luke, I-"

His eyes widened in both fury and shock. He knew I wasn't kidnapped, I ran away. He begins to move towards me and I turn around and run away as fast as my legs can carry me through the snow. I noticed the streets beginning to empty, they must have told everyone to go back inside to control the crowds.

"Olivia!" He shouts again, chasing me through the streets.

"Leave me alone!" I yell back, tears streaming down my face in fright. I felt so guilty seeing his face, but I was also desperate to get back to Logan and check he was alright. I hear the thunder of his feet draw closer and closer. I let out a scream as I am tackled to the ground.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I struggle under my brother's fierce grip on my wrists.

"We all thought you were dead! What are you doing on this side of the wall you idiot?" He huffs, but I could see the sorrow in his eyes. It made my heart feel even heavier.

I just couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Just let me go, please," tears continue to stream down my face as I desperately try to run away.

"Olivia, did you run away? Why?" He looks conflicted.

"LET ME GO!" I yell louder, noticing a few people staring at us. I hear the thumping of feet approaching us.

"Olivia?" My Uncle Jeremy's voice makes me gasp in shock as he looks over my brother and I, "what's going on?"

"She wasn't kidnapped, Uncle Jeremy," my brother growls, his breath visible in the cold air, "she ran away. Theo, Felix, they all said, too- I should've listened to them. I had faith in you Olivia, but don't worry, I won't make that mistake again."

My Uncle's eyes widen in shock, "what did you say?"

"Get him off of me!" I continue to struggle as Luke refuses to let go, both of them causing me to cry more.

"Olivia, is that true?" Uncle Jeremy asks, stepping towards us. I refused to answer him and continued my pointless struggle against my brother.

"Olivia, come with me now before you make this worse for yourself. I promise you won't be in more trouble if you come with us now," Uncle Jeremy promises. Lies.

"Get off of her!" Lydia suddenly appears out of nowhere and roughly pushes Luke off of me, sending him crashing onto the ground.

My uncle quickly grabs her and she screams, "go, Olivia!"

I turn around and sprint away as fast as I possibly can. I was terrified. Lydia what have you done? You shouldn't have gotten involved! Why?

"LOGAN!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I didn't care who heard me now, I just had to find him. I knew there was a slim chance we'd actually get out of this, but I just had to see him again.

"Logan?" My voice cracks a little. I roughly wipe underneath my eyes with the backs of my hands and look around. My voice echoes through the almost silent streets. There wasn't a soul in sight, I figured everyone was now in their homes, which meant it would be much, much easier to spot us now.

"Olivia?" I hear his voice call out to me in the distance and slow down to guess where he was. I took a few turns and managed to lose the guards on my tail. I notice Logan at the end of the street and he notices me too.

I run into his arms and he pulls me close, trying to calm me down. I pull quickly away, "Logan, they're here. They saw me, I'm so sorry."

"We need to go," he grabs my hand as we take off running once again.

"Where? Where can we go, we're surrounded!" I cry.

"Somewhere, we'll figure it out I promise," he leads me in the direction of the wall.

"What are you doing?" I call from behind him as we continue in the direction of the heavily guarded wall.

"This way," he says and I notice the forest in front of us.

"We can't just go to the other side! They'll find us there, too!" I yell but he doesn't react and instead keeps running.

"Yeah, but maybe we can lose them on the other side-" he cuts himself off and stops as we see guards approaching us from all directions.

"What do we do?" I ask, my hand shaking in his.

His face blanks for a moment before he pulls me through the woods, sprinting faster than before. Tears flow from my cheeks again from fear. We reach the hole in the wall and he helps me over. Logan is about to climb over when I noticed the guards positioned along the wall. The nearest one didn't seem to notice me.

I hurriedly push him back, "they're all along the wall! They'll see us!"

He quickly helps me back over. We run along the wall, trees flying past me as I desperately try to catch my breath. The trees disappear and we are back in the grassy lands outside his castle.

"Logan-" I pant, extremely out of breath, "-I can't- run for- much longer."

"Just a little bit longer!" He calls from in front of me. I'm beginning to feel dizzy and lose focus of where we're going. Logan turns round, notices me and stops to let me breathe.

"Are you okay?" He asks while frantically looking around. We seemed to have lost them for the time being. I nod my head and manage to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry, we just really had to get away from there," he says and I nod again.

"Did they see you?" He asks me.

"They would have took me with them if I didn't run away," I tell him, glad I managed to outrun the guards in their heavy armour.

"Wait-" he suddenly raises his hand as a signal to be quiet, "do you hear that?"

I listen closely, confused, and look into the distance to see many guards on horses.

Logan curses under his breath, grabs my hand and we take off running once again.

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