Chapter 9 - No One Can Save You Now

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Olivia POV

The room is filled with more people than I'd expect. There is a light buzz of chatter and I can already see some people staring at us.

"Why are they looking at us?" I whisper to my brother.

"Because we're such a good looking family," he responds and I laugh, feeling slightly more relaxed. I squeeze his arm again to try and calm my nerves.

"Should we go in?" He whispers. Again, Luke usually hid his feelings and pretended to be tough, but no one knew him better than me, and I knew that he was also nervous.

I swallow the lump in my throat and nod. We slowly walk in and I let go of his arm, bringing mine together in front of me. The doors are closed quietly behind us and I quickly scan the room for a familiar face.

"Hey!" Theo pops up from out of nowhere, "we were waiting for you!"

"Sorry, we, uh-" I decide not to tell him we were too nervous to leave, "got held behind."

"Come on, come on," he ushers us to a large, round table.

"This is unreal," I whisper as I look at all the important- looking faces.

"I feel like proper royalty now," my twin laughs to himself.

"Well you are going to be King," Theo slaps him on the back, both of them laughing.

"Who is all here?" I ask my cousin.

"Both the royal families, and some of the other powerful people I think- like rich people, owners of large amounts of land, that kind of thing. We need other people to help run the place too," he says and I nod.

"Keeps it a little calmer," I sigh "it feels less intense when it's not just our families."

Thankfully, I didn't see a certain blonde-headed boy seated around the table.

I remember Uncle Felix telling me why it was round- something about how if it was a rectangular table there would be two people at either end who would seem in charge. This sort of table makes everyone in the room equal, and being able to hear each other, or something like that. I kind of zoned out at that part.

But, of course, we weren't really here to talk, just to make our family look strong in numbers.

Just as we are about to start, the doors fly open.

"Sorry we're late!" A blonde haired girl enters the room, followed by- Logan?

"It-" he puts his hands on his knees, panting, "was Betty's fault."

"Was not!" The girl snaps back at him.

"Logan, Elizabeth. Sit down now," the same man sends them a stare look.

I quickly turn round as I accidentally make eye contact with him. My back is facing the door, but of course, with my luck, he is sitting a few seats away from being directly across from me. I see who I remembered was his sister look at me strangely and then whispers to him. They both look at me and he looks at her and shakes his head.

"Now that we're all here, let's begin," the man announces.

Stop it, I mouth to him as he continues to stare at me, smirking. I completely zone out of the ongoing conversation. He simply shrugs, glances away for a few moments and then glancing back at me.

You're going to get us in trouble, I try and tell him.

What? He scrunches up his eyebrows.

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