Chapter 43 - Luke's Secret

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Theo POV

Before anyone could speak again, the voices of our uncles down the hall cause us to jump. Go, I mouth to everyone and we leave Olivia's room as quickly as possible. I shove Lydia in the direction of her room and Luke and I stand to attention.

"What are you two doing?" Uncle Jeremy narrows his eyes suspiciously at us. Clearly he knew something was up.

"Going for a w-"

"Checking on the-"

Luke and I stop and look at each other. I widen my eyes to signal him to talk.

"We were looking for Uncle Felix," he nods, as if confirming it within himself.

"Oh, okay, well he's in his office," Uncle Jeremy nods at us and spins on his heel, walking away.

"Come on then," Luke says, walking ahead of me.

"What? We're not actually going to see him, are we?" I ask.

"I have to speak to him anyway so we might as well," he shrugs.

"About what?" I ask.

"He said something about getting me more involved in this royal stuff or whatever. Anyway, he'll need someone to speak to the Daltons with and it's a good training opportunity for-"

"What?" I stop. What the hell is Uncle Felix thinking?

"I said-"

"Come with me," I growl, dragging my cousin by the arm. He seemed confused, but didn't object.

Not even bothering to knock, I storm into the King's office with Luke trailing behind. I normally wouldn't do something like this, especially not to Felix, but I was angry. He looks up at us as I begin to speak, "what is wrong with you?"

"Excuse me?" Our Uncle looked taken aback at my sudden outburst, and Luke did, too.

"Why are you letting him talk to the Daltons with you? That's just going to make it worse!" I yell, causing the two of them to look even more surprised, if it were possible.

"We've been over this. Luke's going to take over from me, Theo. It's best if he-"

"You know that's not what I mean!" I cut him off, causing him to pause. He then seemed to realise what I was talking about.

"He's getting better, Theo," Uncle Felix replies, quieter.

"No he's not! Luke is just as sick as he's always been and we all know it!" I mimic his hushed tone, leaning on his large desk.

"I'm right here, stop talking about me like that," Luke frowns at the two of us, "and I thought we weren't going to talk about that anymore. I've apologised, I went to therapy. It's over."

"It's not over! Talking to the Daltons is just going to make you worse!" I insist, "Luke, trust me, it's a bad idea."

"Luke's getting better. He's been to some of our best doctors who all have said the same," Felix shakes his head, "he's perfectly in control of his- issues."

"Will you two please shut up about it!" Luke interrupts, "I'm in full control of my mental health! I always have been, and stop talking about me as if I'm not here!"

Not always, I thought to myself, shaking my head, "don't you remember that one time?"

I couldn't believe my eyes. He was strangling her. Uncle Felix had told me a few weeks prior that Luke was experiencing some "mental issues" and that he'd get over them, but that was all he'd ever tell me.

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