Chapter 50 - And They All Lived...

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Olivia POV

My eyes shot open. The bare skin of the backs of my arms felt cold, and I realised I was sitting on the floor, leaning against a wall, both of which were ice cold. I could now feel the effects of the drugs slightly wearing off - meaning I could sit straight, see without blurry vision and form a coherent sentence.

I could hear some low sounding vibrations, which I quickly processed as deep voices, and looked up and ahead.

Two figures were positioned in front of yet another door in front of me, and I observed Luke and Logan talking in hushed voices while looking though a gap in the door.

"What's going on?" I rub my eyes a little before hearing Luke shush me quietly.

"How are you feeling?" Logan crouches down beside me and I can't help but smile softly at seeing his face.

"My head hurts but I'm okay," I nod. I quickly glance over in Luke's direction to see that he's looking out of the gap in the door. I missed you, I mouth. Logan just smiles, grabs my hand and squeezes it gently before helping me to my feet.

"How long was I out for?" I ask quietly as Logan and I approach Luke at the door.

"Hours, maybe?" Luke looks towards Logan and he nods, "we've been here for a long time waiting for them to clear out a bit."

There were many "guards" gathering a good bit across from us, we could only pick up on certain bits of the conversation but from what I gathered from Luke and Logan the only way out was in their direction. They had tried to find another way, but all other doors and windows were blocked and we had been backed into this empty room to avoid being spotted.

"They're going to realise we're missing soon if they haven't already," I note, "we can't stay in here much longer. The only way is through them, but we can't make a run for it while they've all got guns."

So we waited, for some kind of opening. Suddenly, there was a group of guards flocking from one direction who seemed to give the others' information that put them on a high alert.

They know we're missing.

However, it was also a blessing as the large gathering dispersed in order to find us.

"Go!" Luke ushers the the two of us to run towards the exit.

The three of us ran for our lives. My chest and lungs felt as though they were on fire but my legs continued to fly from underneath me. Running in front of the other two, I could see the light just beyond a corner on the left, we're so close and we've hardly been seen!

But just as I turn the corner, I clash into a hard chest. Spinning me around, I feel an arm grab across my shoulders and a familiar clicking sound next to my ear.

"You don't really think that low of me, do you?" Antonio chuckles from behind me, "I would never let our two trophies slip from us that easily."

While Antonio speaks to Logan and I, I notice a third body missing from our group. I pick up on Logan looking to his left a couple of times and knew he was looking at Luke, who was hidden from sight beyond the corner.

"Now, the three of us are going to take a walk back to where you belong, or pretty princess gets her brains blown out, understand?"

He points with his gun straight ahead and takes slow steps in that direction.

"Make any stupid moves and I'll-"

Antonio gets cut off from behind me as he seemingly falls to the ground, the weight of his arm dragging me down to my knees as well.

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