Chapter 48 - A Big Decision

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Lydia POV

It was chaos.

In the space of a week, word spread like wildfire around both kingdoms. The kings had received very threatening letters about their son and niece. The other side seemed to be panicking even more over the disappearance of the heir to the throne. They clearly adored Logan, and our people definitely loved Liv.

Felix was determined to keep things within our walls, but whoever took Olivia and Logan clearly wanted the public to know. The hysteria was adding pressure to the kings to act fast and that was clearly the intention. Some of the public were demanding we pay up, calling both families cruel to allow these "children" to be in such an awful situation.

However, there were also other concerns.

How much did these kidnappers want? Felix hadn't said and it seemed not many people knew. What would they do with this money? They weren't going to go over the wall into the wasteland so how would they get away with it? It didn't make sense. My head was absolutely spinning.

I heard the scraping of chairs in front of me and it took some effort to snap myself out of my daze.

"Anything?" I asked the younger twins who sat down solemnly. They just shook their heads, not to my surprise.

"How's Luke?" I add - my cousin had been spending the majority of his time with Felix. Not that he'd ever admit it, but I could sense some sort of guilt about him the few times I had seen him recently.

"We're too scared to go in that room, to be honest," Lewis shrugged, "it's a sensitive subject, clearly."

"Especially since Felix was so calm and collected about her running away," Liam added, "if Mother was here she would go in there swinging for him."

I remembered how close Olivia was, especially, to their Mother. I had always been a "daddy's girl", given the circumstances, but her brothers would always tease Liv about how much she sounded like their Mother. She was a very overprotective woman and would constantly "joke" about Liv being her favourite child (I don't think she was joking but the boys didn't seem to care too much) and the two were practically inseparable. I hadn't thought about my Aunt and Uncle in a long time, actually.

We already had so much loss hanging over our family, I knew that no one was prepared to lose Liv. I was especially dying to get into Luke's head. I know the two of them had a difficult relationship, but I was sure that as they both got older and matured (mainly Luke) they would come to understand each other much better. I would feel horrible for him if something really terrible were to happen to Olivia before any of that.

Realising I had completely zoned out I quickly replied, "I just don't know what they're going to do."

The boys shrugged. There wasn't much else to be said. Everything was up in the air and sadly, the only thing we could do was wait and hope to God Liv was going to be okay.

Maya POV

"He'll be fine, he always is," I assured my concerned sister.

"You don't know that," Betty hissed, "we've never dealt with anything like this before!"

I seriously doubted it, most things were just kept hidden from the two of us but it seemed to be impossible this time around. I was confident in Logan, though. He was always getting himself into stupid, dangerous situations, maybe not like this, but he seemed to have the best luck ever. Logan wasn't a stressful person so I was confident in his ability to keep a cool head.

The only thing Betty and I were concerned about is what he would do for her.

Logan could keep himself safe but who knows what stupid decisions he would make for Olivia. He already had so many times, the lovesick idiot. She completely changed him. For the better? Maybe. I didn't have much to go off of, but if Logan was happy so was I. It seemed that I was the only one who was in this family but I had been over and over it so many times it was giving me a sore head.

So there we sat in my bedroom, Betty and I, and hoped for the best.

Olivia POV

Logan leant on the bars of our cell, scanning the dimly lit corridor for any signs of activity. I couldn't quite read his thoughts, was he putting on a brave face or trying to come up with some sort of plan?

I had held in tears as much as possible as I knew it would only hurt Logan and not really help us, but I could feel a few falling purely from the stress of it all rather than emotion.

The thoughts circulating my head were; do we try to escape and risk getting killed? Would they actually kill us, though if they're holding us for ransom? Or do we just accept our fate and hope that our families somehow come through and save the day?

"My uncle is a clever man," I say quietly, "I'm sure at least he'll be able to help us."

Logan doesn't speak, just hums slightly and turns to face me. I note the concern on his face but decide not to point it out. He sighs, changing the subject, "we know practically nothing about these people. How is that possible?"

I shrug, "I don't think they'll be up for answering a hundred questions. I know it's hard to just sit here and accept the fact that we're useless but what else can we do in this cell, Logan? The place is locked up tight."

He nods slowly, jaw stiff, and I continue, "I think we just need to accept that it's in the hands of the Kings for now."

"I hate that," he shakes his head, but doesn't disagree.

My concerns lay in the fact that Logan may be unable to control himself in terms of not lashing out at our captors. Yes, I was angry too, but physically I knew my place in terms of the much stronger, armed guards surrounding the place. Logan was strong, but we were extremely outnumbered. If he let his instincts get to him he might overestimate himself and try something heroic. Brave, yes, but not the most wise.

I was trying to subtly tell him this by saying we could do nothing about our current situation, but I still felt worried for his safety.

My main priority was to keep my head. Literally and mentally.

The silence in the cell was broken by the opening of a door to our right, down the hall, jingling of keys, and footsteps.

Do whatever they say, I mouth to Logan, and he reluctantly steps away from the bars and positions himself in front of me as I quickly get to my feet and cross my arms.

"Out," one of them barks, opening the cell, highly persuasive with the small pistol in his hand.

"Sit them here."

We enter another small room, with nothing but two chairs, which Logan and I are sat on, and a table which a man with a mask is leaning on.

"Wait outside," he nods to the other three guards who got us from our cell and the leave wordlessly.

"Now," taking off his mask, "I have a few questions."

"Antonio?" I raise my eyebrows, "that is really your name, isn't it?"

"Indeed, princess," he chuckles, "you must understand this whole ordeal is nothing personal. I actually quite liked you hence why you're still alive."

"How generous," Logan chimes. The two of us had already discussed everything that had happened prior to being brought here, so Antonio's presence wasn't necessarily a surprise.

"We haven't had any word from either King thus far so the boss figures they're working together, therefore needs as much information from the both of you as possible."

"He doesn't already have enough information already? You people have been in and our our castles for a while have you not?" I ask.

"She does have a lot of information, but a lot can be deducted from the both of you alone," Antonio replies.

"Indeed," a female voice can be heard from behind us, and a woman wearing similar clothes and symbol to the rest of those around us, "I'm in charge around here. I won't tell you my real name but everyone here calls me Ria. I want personal details that we can only get from the favourite children."

"Well I hate to disappoint, but I don't think we'll be too much help if that's what you're looking for," Logan scoffs.

"Well in that case," she leans against the table in front of us, "I do quite enjoy a bit of torture."

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