Chapter 6 - Brothers

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Olivia POV

I wake up to a loud knock on my door, "get up, Liv, or I'm coming in."

I groan, "go away, Liam."

"I'll take that as a no, then," he says and my room doors open. I cover my eyes with my arm to shield them from the incoming light.

"I'm tired," I croak out.

"That's your fault for staying up so late. We heard you and Lydia coming in," he throws the covers off of me, "I'm shocked you're not grounded."

I become cold and wrap my arms around myself, not bothering to get the covers back, "please just let me sleep," I beg.

I hear him sigh and his footsteps exit the room. I decide I'm too lazy to move and get my blankets so I stay curled in a ball. Then I hear footsteps come back, but this time there's more of them.

Great, they've all come in to annoy me.

But suddenly the bed disappears from beneath me and my eyes shoot open. I see Luke with a smug grin on his face as he carries me out of my room. I try to wriggle out of his arms but his death grip doesn't allow me to break free.

"Put me down Luke!" I scream and kick and hit him but he doesn't let me go. The other two follow us and I can hear them laughing hysterically.

I thought I was just going to be carried down to the dining hall, maybe they just wanted to embarrass me in my night time attire but of course, they would take advantage of their revengre.

"What are you doing?" I ask as Liam opens the doors for us. Luke simply smirks and fastens his pace. I see we are headed towards one destination.

The river.

"No! No Luke put me down now!" I scream.

"I'm just helping you wake up," he laughs.

"Luke you know I can't swim!"

"Relax, it's not that deep."

It's too late as my body is surrounded by freezing cold water. I gasp in shock and accidentally swallow some of the water as I come to the surface, coughing and spluttering. Cold, cold, cold!

"Shut up," I yell at them for laughing as they run away.

"Idiots," I sigh to myself as I climb out. I shiver and fall to the ground, rubbing my arms. It was early October and it was freezing outside. Yet, strangely, the cold seemed to snap me awake and back into reality.

My memories came flooding back to me. My emotions were completely mixed. I had betrayed my family by going anywhere near that wall in the first place, never mind kissing the son of their sworn enemies. Well, he kissed me I guess, but still.

Yet I can't seem to shake the feelings that went through my body. It was the greatest feeling I had ever felt before.

I decide to go back to my room and get washed and dressed quickly before breakfast, careful not to let anyone see me.

I knock on Lydia's door and hear a "come in".

"I don't know what to do," I loudly groan as I enter.

"Why don't I even have to ask?"

"I betrayed them all but I-" I pause.

"You what?"

"I don't know, Lyd. When he kissed me it just felt so-" I pause again, butterflies shooting through my chest.


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