Chapter 30 - Baby, It's Cold Outside

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Olivia POV

I felt free. For the first few days, the thrill of breaking so many rules was so overwhelming and I loved it. I could do what I wanted, whenever I wanted and there was no one to tell me right or wrong, what to do, to get up early and to wear stupid dresses. I was with the man I loved, and I had no doubt that our bond was growing deeper each day as I really got to know him better. We had devised a plan to be able to roam around at night without looking suspicious.

So, what was our housing plan?

Well, I hadn't actually thought too much about it before, but it seemed he had it all figured out.

His best friend's family owned an Inn quite far away from the castle. Actually, it was on the edge of the village it was in. It was huge, but there were also little cabins surrounding it, little "holiday homes" apparently, that we could stay in. It meant we were less likely to be seen.

It was the late December and the temperature had dropped immensely. Christmas was in a few days so it was expected. It was freezing cold outside and most people had began to wear big winter coats which Logan and I could use to our advantage.

He laughed as he held up two huge coats with hoods, "who wants to go for a walk around town?"

"You're amazing, Logan Dalton," I smile as I put mine on.

"Aren't I?" He winks.

I breathed in the cold air from outside. We took a walk away from the inn and I linked my arm with his, snuggling into him tightly due to the cold. Well, maybe I wanted to be close to him too. The hoods covered most of our faces, but even then everyone was so busy with late Christmas shopping they would barely notice we were there in the first place.

It was nice to feel normal. To have a normal relationship. This will be my first Christmas away from home, I think sadly but smile, At least I get to spend it with him.

"Hey," he nudges me, "what are you thinking about, princess?"

"Nothing," I shake my head, and he seems displeased at my lie, "it's okay. I'll talk to you when we're not out here. It stresses me out how busy it is and I don't want to lose you."

The streets were crowded, as my fear of small spaces was setting in. I could relax more than Logan could in the sense of being spotted by anyone, there were very few people on this side that knew my face but they all knew his. We both had masks that covered our eyes with us but didn't wear them if we could to avoid suspicion. We mostly just kept our heads down and hope for the best.

"Don't worry, how about if we lose each other we go to that big tree?" He points towards a large Christmas tree in the centre of the square with the same hand he was holding mine and I smile, nodding. it was freezing cold outside but I felt my cheeks heat up whenever he squeezed my hand.

He could probably tell I was a little lost in my own repetitive thoughts of home, so he dragged me into a few stores, reminding me of the topic of, well, money. I realised I had been so worried about how I would leave I forgot the important things.

I wasn't sure how we'd get money at first, seeing as we couldn't exactly get jobs. I did offer seeing as no one would recognise me, but he refused as I had expected. I had even offered to work in the main inn but Logan didn't want me doing too much. All he really told me was not to worry about money and things like that, and I just went with it. He seemed to have a lot of connections around his kingdom.

I had been introduced to his friend Ryan who's family owned the inn, and he seemed trustworthy. Apparently the two of them have known each other since they were babies, so again, I just went with it. It was too much for me to think about right now while I was worrying about my family.

"Hey, sorry, I know I keep zoning out I just-" I turned around to find no one behind me. How long have I been thinking for? And when did I get into this aisle? I don't want to shop for chopping boards.

After looking around for ten minutes and not seeing him anywhere, I made my way back to the large Christmas tree in the centre of the square, I hope he's okay. It was probably better if I didn't look anyway, our disguises would make it more confusing.

I circled the tree for a while, looking around constantly. The sound of chatter in the background became quieter as my thoughts deepened. My palms began to sweat a little. I lowered my head as I notice two guards approaching the tree.

Of course they're all out on patrol. They'll have them all looking for us.

I breathe deeply as I hear the clinking of their armour. I completely cover my head with my hood. I continue to shake slightly from the cold, rubbing my arms.

Please walk past. Please walk past.

"Are you alright, miss?" I hear a voice ask.

Oh no, no no no.

"Yes, thank you, please excuse me," I cover my face with my hand and push past the guards, sprinting away as fast as possible. I don't look behind me until I'm far away from the square.

Wait, Logan! What if they got him?

A hand grabs me by the shoulders and I gasp.

"Hey, are you okay?" I relax when I realise it's Logan.

I catch my breath, "the guards. I thought- they might have got you."

"Why, did something happen to you? I knew I shouldn't have left you alone," he responds worriedly.

I shake my head, "I'm okay. Can we please just go now?"

He nods and pulls me close to him, the cold intensifying as the night went on, "yeah, of course."

"Wait," he puts his hand in front of me before I can start down the street. I follow his gaze and spot two different guards walking in our direction.

"Follow me," he leads me in the opposite direction and I hold onto his arm tightly. We stop abruptly as we see another two approaching us.

"What do we do?" I whisper.

"Come on," he leads me through the crowds as he pulls me in closer.

Separated by Our Fate | [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon