Chapter 7 - Because She's A Girl

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Olivia POV

"Why am I doing this again?" Lydia asks as we near the room where Uncle Marcus does most of his work.

"You're a girl," Liam says earning a laugh from his twin.

"Shut up," she rolls her eyes.

"People could actually get offended by that, you know," I tell Liam.

"Then they're clearly overly sensitive and can't take a joke," he raises his eyebrows, suggesting that he's talking about me. This leads to me shoving him. Then him shoving me. Which continues for a while. Nobody really seems to care.

"Will you two quit it already?" Luke comments from in front of us and I end up shoving him too. Theo shushes us as we approach.

"Why are we making such a big deal out of this? Just ask him!" I say.

"Then why don't you do it?" Lewis asks.

"I'm a girl," I sarcastically smile at Liam. Lydia laughs loudly before covering her mouth.

"Lydia?" Her father calls out to her, "come in here, please."

We all signal her to go in some way or another and she finally does.

"Are you alright? Is your brother annoying you again?" He asks.

"No, father," she says as we hide beside the open door, just out of view.

"I wanted to ask,-" she pauses and I can hear her scrape her shoe along the floor uncomfortably.

"Speak, Lydia," Uncle Marcus becomes more impatient.

"Why are you always out at the wall now? Is something going on?" She finally asks.

His tone becomes more relaxed, "it's none of your concern, darling."

"I understand if you feel you have to protect us from the truth but really, I want to know."

"You're still very young, Lydia. I don't want you to have to worry about all this just now. Enjoy your freedom while you can," he tells her.

"But, father I-"

"No, I've heard enough of that. If that is all then you may go," he sends her out.

She closes the door, sighs and whispers, "I told you it wouldn't work."

"Maybe it's because she's a girl," Lewis teases his twin and he rolls his eyes.

"Shut up," Liam starts the shoving match with his twin.

"You shut up, idiot," Lewis shoves him back and rolls his eyes at him.

"It's getting old now," Theo laughs, "you'll have to come up with something else now Liam."

Lewis Maxwell I love you. Liam Maxwell I hate you. Theo, eh, if you're on my side then fine.

Hey, sarcasm runs in the family.

Lydia just scoffs and rolls her eyes, grabbing my arm and dragging me ahead of the boys.

"Tell me to ask him then have the nerve to judge me," she mumbles under her breath, but loud enough for them to hear.

"Lyd?" I call to her, waving my hand in front of her face, unsure what to do. She drags me all the way to her room, not saying a word. As she closes the door, she turns round with a worried expression on her face.

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