chapter sixteen

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     Ethan sat up in bed, and pulled the flower printed duvet off his nearly bare body. He got out of the bed, and searched around the room for his shirt. Nina, who had just been asleep, also sat up. She yawned and stretched before pulling the blankets off her.

     Nina's eyes went wide when she saw Ethan in her bedroom, pulling his shirt over his head. She scrambled to pull the blankets back up to cover her body as Ethan turned around.

     "Did that?" Nina asked. Ethan nodded as a large grin formed on his face. Nina sighed as she laid back down, her head hitting the feathered pillows.

     "Now come on, we gotta finish your resume." Ethan said as he pulled on his pants, and left the room. He shut the bedroom door behind him and went back into the office. A few minutes later, nina came into the room. She was fully clothed again, and sat down in the empty chair.

     Nina and Ethan finished the resume, and printed off a few copies. They left the office, and went to the front door to put their shoes on. They left the apartment, and went outside to Ethan's motorcycle.

     Ethan put the resumes in the trunk as Nina put her helmet on. Ethan then put his on, before climbing onto his bike. Nina got on the back, and Ethan pushed the kickstand up with the back of his foot.

     "Where to first?" He asked.

     "Let's just go to the mall." Nina replied. Ethan nodded, and started up his motorcycle. A few minutes later, he pulled into the mall parking lot, and found a spot.

     Ethan and Nina both got off the bike, and grabbed the resumes out of the trunk. They replaced them with two helmets before going inside the large building.

     Nina led Ethan to a few stores that she'd like to work at, and dropped off the resumes. Ethan and Nina window shopped as they walked around, talking about what they'd have to bring on the trip to visit Grayson, who lived in New York.

     The pair eventually made their way to the food court for something to eat. They decided on going to Taco Bell, which for once had a short line.

They ordered their food, which Ethan kindly paid for. The employee gave them their drinks before going to help another customer.

Ethan and Nina sipped on their drinks as they waited for their food. A worker set a tray down on the shiny white counter, earning a thanks from the couple. Ethan asked Nina to carry his cup as he picked up the tray. Nina led him over to an empty table, and they both sat down.

"Thanks for bringing me here." Nina smiled as she started taking her food off the tray.

"You know, you don't have to thank me for every little thing I do for you." Ethan replied.

"I know, I just want you to know that I'm grateful. I guess I've never really had someone be this nice to me all the time." Nina awkwardly stated as she stared down at the table.

"Seriously?" Ethan asked.

Nina nodded. "Yeah, who would've thought that middle schoolers were so mean? Guys my age just don't know how to treat me." She replied, a soft laugh at the end.

"Nina, are you saying I'm old?" Ethan asked in a playful, defensive tone.

"Not at all, Ethan." Nina replied, a small smirk on her plump pink lips.

Ethan chuckled softly. "I hear you, though. Grayson and I had it pretty bad."

"So I guess school just sucked for everyone?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty glad I'm done with it all."

"Me too."

And with that, both Nina and Ethan started eating their food. They talked happily in between bites, just enjoying each other's company.


Double update? Definitely.

Double update? Definitely

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Guys My Age ➙ Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now