chapter ten

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Ethan was dreading going to the bar that night. He had no idea what he'd say to nina, his boss' daughter. He went anyways, not wanting the young girl to think he was avoiding her.

     The man pushed open the heavy glass door of the bar and went inside. The counter where he had sat at many times was empty. The bartender wiped the counter, a bored expression on his face.

The doors of the bar jingled, and Ethan glanced over his shoulder. He spun around, to see a stunned Nina standing in front of him. He couldn't tell if she was mad, or nervous. The girl left the building before saying one word.

Ethan ran out of the bar, calling after Nina. He said her name over and over again as she walked down the dark sideway.

"Nina, please!" Ethan yelled, his voice breaking. He stood still on the sidewalk as Nina stopped. She turned around, and slowly started walking towards him.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Tell you what? I didn't know who your dad was!" Ethan replied in defense.

"You didn't think to tell me where you worked, or maybe thought about the fact that there's a picture of me on his desk?"

"Th-there's a picture of you on his desk?" Ethan asked, his voice much softer.

"Yes, Ethan!" Nina snapped. "What, was this just a deal you had with my father? Date my lonely, miserable daughter, and maybe I'll give you a raise?" She accused.

"What? No, Nina! I promise, I had no idea." Ethan replied as he walked over to her. He gently grabbed onto her forearms, and she surprisingly didn't fight it. "I would never do that to you." Ethan whispered, barely audible. He stared into Nina's eyes as her own darted between Ethan's.

That's when Nina pulled her arms free, and put both her hands on Ethan's cheeks. She inhaled sharply as she pressed her lips to Ethan's dry ones. He hesitated before kissing her back, and put his hands on her waist.

Nina wrapped her arms around ethan's neck, and played with the hairs at the nape of his neck. They ignored the whistles and cheers from people walking by as Ethan pulled away, with Nina's bottom lip trapped between his teeth. He let it go, allowing it to snap back into place.

Nina and Ethan rested their foreheads on each other, both breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry." Nina mumbled.

"I'm not." Ethan replied, a growing smirk on his face. Nina scoffed lightly as she hit him on the back of the head.




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Guys My Age ➙ Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now