chapter twenty nine

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Ethan sat at the kitchen table, his brother beside him. Grayson hadn't slept much last night since he was on baby duty.

Thomas had woken up multiple times during the night, which also woke up Ethan. Neither of the Dolan brothers had been deep sleepers, and Grayson's kids weren't either.

"Did I tell you mom and dad are coming over today?" Grayson mumbled, his eyes half closed.

"They are? Is Cam coming with them?"

Grayson shrugged. "I hope so."

Silence fell over the two boys again as Nina walked into the kitchen. She had on workout clothes, and was kinda sweaty.

"Wha—where were you?" Ethan asked as Nina grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge.

"I went for a run." She replied and came to sit at the table.

"I thought you were upstairs." Ethan mumbled.

"Nope. I left before you even woke up." Nina sipped on her water as both boys shut their eyes. "Anyways, I'm gonna go take a shower. Good morning, Sasha." Nina said as she stood up, and Sasha walked into the kitchen.

"Morning, how'd you guys sleep?" Sasha asked as she started making herself a cup of coffee.

"Horrible." Ethan and Grayson replied at the same time.

"I slept great. I've always been a deep sleeper." Nina replied.

"Me too. It was amazing, while Grayson was taking care of thomas, I was just snoozing away." Sasha laughed softly as she came to sit down at the table.

"Yeah, you probably got the most sleep last night." Grayson muttered. Sasha slid her coffee over to him, and he took a sip.

"You're gonna need more energy than that for when your parents come over." She told him, before turning to ethan. "Did he tell you your mom and dad are coming?"

"Yeah, he did." Ethan smiled softly. Nina had gone upstairs, and Sasha sat in silence with the half asleep brothers.

A cry filled the monitor that Grayson had on his lap, and he lazily stood up.

"I got it." He said before heading upstairs to check on baby Thomas.

" He said before heading upstairs to check on baby Thomas

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