chapter twenty three

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Ethan just got home from a long day at work, and went into his kitchen for some dinner. He decided to just throw a frozen pizza in the oven.

     As Ethan waited for the pizza, he went into the living room and flopped down on his couch. All of a sudden, his phone started ringing. Ethan checked the caller ID to see that it was Grayson.

     "Hey, Grayson." Ethan said into the phone.

     "Ethan! Hey, I know this is really last minute but my wife just went into labour, and I'd really like it if you were here!" Grayson exclaimed. Ethan jumped up from the couch.

     "Wait, really? I thought the baby wasn't coming for another two weeks!"

     "Us too, but we're on our way to the hospital now." Grayson replied.

"O-okay, I'll try to get a flight to New York." Ethan told him.

"Thanks, Ethan. This means a lot."

"See you soon, brother." Ethan said before hanging up the phone. He then called Nina, and told her about their situation. She was on her way home from work, and was going to stop in at her apartment to pack up a suitcase.

Ethan heard the timer go off in his kitchen and went to get the pizza out of the oven. He grabbed two slices before going into his room to pack up some stuff for a few days. He remembered to pack the gifts he had gotten for Grayson and his kids.

About thirty minutes later, Nina arrived at Ethan's apartment. Ethan wheeled his suitcase to the front door as he let Nina inside.

"You want some pizza or something?" Ethan asked as Nina came inside, a suitcase behind her and a small backpack over her shoulders.

"Yeah, sure. I'm pretty hungry." Nina replied. Ethan led her into the kitchen, and she grabbed a slice of pizza. Nina started eating as Ethan grabbed both the suitcases and walked out the front door. Nina followed behind him, and shut the front door. Ethan locked it before leading the way down the hallway, towards the elevators.

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Guys My Age ➙ Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now