chapter fifteen

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     The movie ended, and Ethan led Nina out of the theatre. He drove her home, and pulled up in front of her infamous apartment building.

     Nina and Ethan both got off the bike, but Nina was the only one to take her helmet off.

     "Ethan, I actually wanted to ask you something." She said as she pulled the helmet off her head, and fixed her hair.

     "Alright, what's up?" Ethan replied.

     "I was kinda wondering if you'd help me make a job resume? I don't...I don't want my dad paying for everything anymore." Nina asked nervously. She shifted on her feet as Ethan took his helmet off.

     "Of course I'll help you." Ethan replied and put both the helmets in his trunk. Nina smiled slightly as Ethan put his hand on the small of her back, and led her up the steps of her apartment building.

     Ethan and Nina took an elevator up to Nina's floor, and walked down the hallway to her room. They went inside, and took of their shoes. Ethan took off his jacket before following Nina into her apartment.

     Ethan started looking around the room. They had walked past the living room, which had two white couches and a flat screen tv. The wall behind the tv was covered in windows with white frames. They walked past the kitchen, it was across from the living room and had marble counters and white cupboards.

     Nina led Ethan into a small section of the apartment that had three closed doors. She opened one, and went inside. It was a small office with more windows, a large white desk that held an imac, a pencil cup, and a small fake plant. A black rug covered the dark hardwood floor.

     There was some shelves on the wall that had a printer, and a few decorations that ranged from picture frames, and pointless objects.

"Wait here, I'll go get you a chair." Nina said before leaving the room. Ethan awkwardly stood in the middle of the room as he looked out the window. Nina came back a few minutes later, carrying a black chair with a grey cushion. She set it down in front of the desk, beside the white spinny chair that was already there.

"My dad says your good with computers." Nina said as she sat down in the newly added chair. She patted the spinny one, and ethan sat down.

"Yeah, I guess so." Ethan chuckled nervously. Nina reached over and logged into her computer. Ethan opened up a word document, and started asking Nina about her goals and experiences.

     "Well, my main goal is to cut the leash my father has on me." Nina replied. Ethan chuckled and looked down at the keyboard.

     "I can't exactly put that on a resume." He said.

     "Uhh, I took a babysitting course and a lifeguard course when I was younger, maybe like thirteen." Nina told him. 

     Ethan nodded, a grin on his face. "That's good, it shows you have qualifications in some things." He said as he began typing. 

     Nina and Ethan had been working together for a while. The only noise in the room was Ethan's fingertips dancing over the keyboard as he typed out the information Nina had given him.

     "Thank you again, for helping me with this." Nina said softly as she stared at Ethan.

     "Oh, you're-" Ethan glanced up at Nina. "Welcome." He mumbled.

Nina leaned over in her chair and softly pressed her lips to Ethan's. One of her hands trailed up his arm, and rested on his cheek. Ethan put both his hands on Nina's waist as they both started to stand up. Nina and Ethan awkwardly made their way out of the room, their lips never disconnecting.

Ethan pressed Nina against one of the doors, putting one hand on it just above her shoulder. Nina fumbled for the door handle but eventually found it, and pushed the door open. She directed Ethan into the room, and shut the door behind her.


Hi I've been watching Teen Wolf all day but I stopped just to write this chapter lol love youu all <3

Hi I've been watching Teen Wolf all day but I stopped just to write this chapter lol love youu all <3

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