chapter twenty

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     Ethan sat in the black spinny chair in his office, shuffling through a bunch of paper work.

His cell phone started ringing, and he checked the caller ID, seeing that it was Nina. Ethan answered his phone before pressing it up to his ear.

"Hey, Nina."

"Ethan! Guess what!" A very excited sounding Nina said into the phone.

"What?" Ethan asked.

"I got a job at the mall! American Eagle called this morning, and I start my first shift in an hour."

"That's so amazing, Nina! Congratulations! When does your shift end?"

"Seven." Nina replied. Ethan looked at the clock on his computer, seeing that it was only 11:00am.

"I'll see you at seven then, and we can go for dinner."

"Sounds great. I gotta start getting ready though, bye Eth." Nina said as she hung up the phone.

"Bye." Ethan mumbled to the quiet line before setting his phone down. He sighed heavily before going back to his paperwork.


     Ethan realized that his work day was over, and he cleaned up his desk. He grabbed his belongings before leaving his office.

     "Good work today, Dolan." Tony said from his office. Ethan decided to stop outside the door.

     "Thank you, Tony." He replied, smiling.

     "Did Nina tell you about her job?"

     "Yeah, I was actually just on my way to go pick her up."

     "Well, you better get going. She hates waiting." Tony said before going back to whatever was on his desk. It looked like just a normal stack of papers to anyone, but to ethan, he knew it was important.

     "Thanks again, Tony." Ethan smiled before walking away. He took the elevator down to the lobby, and left the building. Ethan walked over to his motorcycle and pulled his helmet onto his head. He climbed onto his bike, and started driving to the mall.

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Guys My Age ➙ Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now