chapter four

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Ethan's loud motorcycle could be heard for miles as he pulled into the parking lot of his workplace.

Ethan worked for a business owner, in an overly large building with many windows and floors. Ethan was in charge of taking care of all the financial aspects of the company, which required lots of paper work, and many stressful days.

The man made his way inside, where he was greeted every morning by the secretary who sat behind a tall white desk. Her long nude nails clicked at her keyboard as she typed into the system that Ethan Dolan had arrived at work.

Ethan took an elevator up to the top floor, where his office and his boss' office was.

The elevator came to a stop, and with a soft ding, the doors opened. Ethan got off the elevator, and made his way to his office.

"Morning, Dolan!" His boss yelled from his office.

"Morning, Tony." Ethan mumbled with a friendly smile on his face. His boss was a decent man, who didn't expect much. Just smile at him, and keep up to date on all your work, and everything would be fine.

Ethan arrived at his office, and pushe open the glass door. He flopped down in the black leather spinny chair and sighed loudly.

Someone came into Ethan's office bearing coffee. They were an intern, who wanted to work in the business owner industry. Tony allowed them to come work for him, and now all he was allowed to do was bring coffee to the other employees.

"Thanks." Ethan said as the intern slid a white cup across the sleek black desk before leaving the office.

Ethan took a sip of the warm coffee, and started to looking at his agenda for the day. He had some things to pay for, and some faxes to send. It didn't seem like too bad of a day for the man as he got to work.


I'm actually obsessed with this book loll I have alot planned

I'm actually obsessed with this book loll I have alot planned

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