chapter thirty four

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Alot of you already guessed what happens in this chapter so I don't think its gonna be as special lol


Ethan ran to the front door and unlocked it, before heading into the living room where everything was set up.

"It's open!" He yelled, loud enough for Nina to hear him. Ethan couldn't help but smile as he heard the front door open, and Nina gasp.

Ethan had dimmed the lights in his apartment, and had set out a trail of rose petals leading from the front door to the doorway of the living room.

Nina walked into the living room, seeing Ethan sitting on the couch with his back to her. He was surrounded by more rose petals, and had set out candles on every table top in the room. He even set some up on the windowsill and in the corners of the room, but didn't light them all.

"Ethan, what is going on?" Nina asked. That's when Ethan stood up off the couch, and turned around. He had a large grin on his face as he walked over to nina.

"Come sit." He said, taking Nina's hand and walking her over to the couch. Nina sat down, and Ethan stood in front of her.

"Nina, these past few months have been some of the best months of my life. You helped me realize the importance of family, and just how precious life can be."

"Ethan..." Nina mumbled.

"Wait, let me finish." Ethan held up a finger, to get Nina to shush. "When we went to go visit Grayson, I realized that you're already a part of this family. My parents love you, my siblings love you, and I love you. I love you so much, Nina, and I want to officially make you apart of this crazy Dolan family."

Ethan reached into his pants pocket, where Nina hadn't noticed a small bulge was. Her hands flew to her mouth, covering a large smile as Ethan bent down on one knee.

"I guess the only official way to do that is to make your last name Dolan, so Nina, will you marry me?" Ethan asked. Nina nodded as a happy tear rolled down her cheek.

"Yes, Ethan. Of course I will." Nina replied. Both of them stood up, and Ethan slid the ring onto Nina's finger. It was a bit too small, but it fit for the time being. Ethan pulled Nina into a hug as they both laughed with joy. Ethan tried not to cry, but he could feel Nina's tears on his neck. Her grip around his shoulders tightened, before she pulled away.

Nina grinned widely before putting one hand on the back of Ethan's neck and pulling him down for a passionate kiss. He wrapped one arm around her waist, while his other hand was flat on her back as Nina leaned back.

Ethan pulled away, and they both stood up straight. "We better tell Grayson." He mumbled, and Nina laughed softly.

"Maybe we should start with my dad."

"Oh, he already knows." Ethan chuckled before pulling Nina in for another hug.


This is so cliche but it's alright lol

This is so cliche but it's alright lol

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