chapter twenty eight

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The Dolans and Nina stayed at the hospital for a couple hours longer, just to make sure everything was okay with Sasha and baby Thomas.

Finally, they got released and were able to leave the hospital. Grayson helped Sasha into a wheelchair, and pushed her out of the hospital. Ethan followed behind with Thomas in his arms. Nina walked beside him, holding onto Maddi's small hand.

Grayson's car was in the parking garage, so that's where they took the elevator down to. They all walked over to the vehicle, which had enough seats for everyone. Grayson drove while Ethan sat in the passenger seat. Sasha sat in the back, beside the car carrier that her newborn baby was asleep in. Maddi sat in the very back with Nina.

A few minutes later, Grayson pulled into his driveway. Everyone got out of the car, Sasha and Thomas needing the most help. Grayson helped his wife inside while Ethan carried the baby.

Once everyone was inside, Sasha carried Thomas away for a while. Grayson said something along the lines of, "even newborns get hungry" to Ethan. The brothers chuckled as they sat down in the living room together. Maddi and Nina sat on the floor and played with all the toys that were scattered everywhere. Nina would occasionally glance up at Ethan, who would always smile.

Sasha came back, baby free. She had also changed into fresh sweatpants and a plain tshirt. Her hair was also slightly damp, meaning she had taken a shower.

"Thomas is asleep." She stated as she sat down beside Grayson, and set a baby monitor on his leg. "You're on baby duty tonight."

"Sounds like fun." Grayson replied sarcastically. Sasha rolled her eyes as she reached over and grabbed the tv remote off the coffee table. She turned the TV on just as Ethan stood up off the couch.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed." He announced. Maddi and Nina also stood up too.

"Uncle Ethan, will you put me to bed?" Maddi asked. Ethan glanced at Grayson, who had his head back and his eyes closed.

"Sure, kiddo. Let's go." Ethan took Maddi's hand, and led her and Nina upstairs. Ethan went into Maddi's room, and picked out a pair of pyjamas for her to wear. Ethan covered his eyes as Maddi got changed, then left her room.

Maddi went into the bathroom to brush her teeth. As she did that, Nina gently brushed her hair and put it in a loose braid.

Once Maddi was ready for bed, she went back to her room. She climbed into bed, and Ethan tucked her in.

"Goodnight, Maddi." Ethan said as he walked to the door, and shut the light off. He quietly shut the door, leaving a small crack.

Ethan and Nina walked to the guest room, and both got changed into their pyjamas. Their suitcases had already been brought up when they got home from the hospital.

Both too tired to talk, they climbed into bed and quickly fell asleep.


I just noticed this book has 17k reads and 1k votes thank you guys so much

I just noticed this book has 17k reads and 1k votes thank you guys so much

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