We had gone to Ally's house after visiting Drake. She was currently lying on her bed and I was sitting on her dressing table.

It was filled with make up stuff and jewelery. On the sides of her mirror were photographs of her family, me and Mason. We all looked so happy, isn't this why we have photographs? To remember that we were once happy.

"I should have never gone to see him, I mean this is Drake, why would I even go see him? Why would it even matter to me that he's in a hospital. He's such a jerk and I'm so stupid." She huffed.

Beside me were about a dozen of lipsticks all of different shades. I picked one up and opened the cap.

"You should have stopped me Eva why don't you ever stop me from doing something stupid"

"Ally there is nothing stupid in this, Drake was shot and we went to see if he was okay like any other human being" I replied.

The lipstick had a maroon colour, the kind I liked. From the look of it Ally had just bought it recently.

"Why would I even go to see him?" She mumbled.

"Because he told you, you looked beautiful" I said and jumped off the dressing table. Turning around I saw my face in the mirror. There was nothing special that I could see, just average looking back at me.

"Yea he did and it was so sweet. I thought he had changed, I thought he was better now, sensible. But I was completely wrong, he choose Caroline over me again. He is still the most dumbest person I know"

I applied the lipstick on my lips, my lips stand out with the lipstick on them.

"Can't you see what your doing? Trying to get over Mason by using Drake, don't do that" I replied.

"You still look ugly" she said as I placed the lipstick down and made my way to the bed, collapsing on it when I reached it.

"Ally I feel like Caroline knows about it all too, I mean did you see her talk, it didn't felt like Carter and Drake were keeping secrets from her" I said turning towards her.

"Eva, she is Carter's girlfriend of course she knows about everything" replied Ally.

Yes! She is Carter's girlfriend, why do I keep forgetting this?

"I think we should just stay away from Carter and company, their never good news. We should just go back to the way we were." Said Ally and I looked at her.

Can I go back to be the way I was after all this? Can I go undo the feelings I have formed for Carter?

I have to.


I was taking a walk after dinner, the sky was clear tonight, tiny little starts lightning up my way. At a distant bench I saw a fimiliar figure and as I neared I realized it was Kaiden.

"Hey Kaiden, what are you doing here all alone?" I asked walking over him.

He was deep in thought so when he heard me he was startled.

"Oh hey nothing, I just wanted to catch some fresh air. What are you doing?" He said after recovering.

I sat down next to him on the bench and looked over him. His face was still swollen from where Carter hit him the other day and he looked extremely tired .

"Same as you but Gosh Kaiden are you okay?" I asked worried about him.

"Yea, yea stop worring about me, I'm fine" he replied a little frustrated like he has been asked this question a lot of times before.

"I'm sorry about Carter hitting you at the party" I said seeing his pain.

"Why are you sorry? Its not your fault and about Carter, he will pay. Soon."

I shivered at his threat, his voice was dangerously low as his eyes lit up a little in hate. He closed them probably to calm himself down.

"Kaiden where were you on Saturday night?" I asked him suddenly.

"I was at your mother's, dad bought chinese and said we will have dinner together. It was boring. Why?" He said looking at me.

"Oh nothing just wondering" I replied quickly.

He was with my mom that night and I never told him that we were going for a concert with Drake and Carter. Kaiden couldn't have sent those men. He is a good person, I can't believe I'm saying this, keeping in mind the fact that I disliked him at first but I have spent time with him. Aren't you suppose to get some kind of feeling if your with a bad guy? Kaiden has never done something wrong to me or anyone. Neither has he ever expressed he wanted to do something to anyone. Well except right now. But that's just because he is angry at Carter for hitting him.

Maybe Carter and Kaiden had a fight in the past, over a girl or something leading to them hating each other.

"Thanks Eva, for worrying about me. It means alot." He said with a smile.

I nodded, a smile on my face too. Kaiden was like my family now I just can't doubt him, its unfair towards him.

"You know I have never taken you too my place. One of these days I will take you there okay?" He said.

"Yea" I replied realizing that I really have never seen where Kaiden lives.


Here you go a chapter without Carter. Comment and vote. Happy reading.

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