Chapter Fourteen

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◼◼◼ Dedicated to RitaS09 ◼◼◼

◼Alex's POV◼

I know what your thinking. "Alex, that was a real bishy move."

You're right.

I don't even know why I got so mad at him. I should probably go back and apologize...

I'm not going to because.. Well.. Pride.

I'm an idiot.

I should've given Tyler a chance. I drive along, contemplating turning around.

I don't.

Instead, I find a hotel. I end up going to a near by bar after getting a room and dropping my stuff off. I walk in, scanning the room. Instantly, about a dozen girls' eyes are on me. I look away and go straight to the bar. I order a beer, and I look around again. My eyes keep going to a girl with bright red hair and green eyes. She watches me, smiling a little. It isn't a creepy smile. Its a " interested in you, and want you to talk to me" kind of smile.
I don't hesitate walking up to her.

"Hey," I say, my voice deep and husky.

"Hey," she says in a sweet, flirty voice.

"Can I get you a drink?" I ask, smiling.

"Hitting on me already? I don't even know your name," she giggles, touching my arm, lightly.

"My apologies," I bow my head down, grinning. "I'm Alex."

"I'm Brooklyn," she leans forward a little. "Now how about that drink?"


◼Layla's POV◼◼

I barely sleep that night, knowing Alex isn't here. He could be anywhere, really. I check my phone for messages.
He hasn't called or anything. Its been almost three hours. I'm starting to get worried. I call him for the millionth time.
It goes straight to voice mail. Just about all of the bars are closed. So, I don't know where he could be.
I'm really worried that he's going to do something that he's going to regret. I go into Tyler's room, trying to be a little quiet.

"Ty?" I lightly nudge him. He snores louder. I roll my eyes.
"Tyler!" I say louder, almost shoving him off the bed. He jumps up, eyes filled with worry. He settles down when he sees me.

"What could you possibly want at this time?" He rubs his eyes, looking at his alarm clock. It flashes 4:11 am in bright red letters.

"I have no idea where Alex is," I whisper. He rolls his eyes.

"Just dump his sorry butt," he lays back down.

"I can't. I love him, Ty," I explain. He sits back up. He groans, pulling the blanket off of himself. He walks into his bathroom, rubbing his eyes. I assume he's wanting to change or something so I leave and find a change of clothes for myself. I don't spend much time finding an outfit. I pull on a pair of black leggings and a tank top, with a pair of tennis shoes. I don't care what I look like.

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