Chapter Three

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edited december 2021

It takes only a week for Angie and I to settle into a routine. I didn't expect to find a best friend so quickly, I was never very close with anyone from my old pack. Following morning training, Angie and I drink coffee on the porch, listening to a true-crime podcast. After we get our coffee and crime fill, we discuss anything and everything. We've covered various topics, such as our favorite shows, what superpower is the best, and today's topic; what My Little Pony we'd be and why. Angie is deadset on being Applejack. 

"There is no way you'd be Applejack," I set down my empty mug. It's a cheery yellow color. Angie rolls her eyes. 

"Are you kidding? Of course, I'm Applejack!" I can feel a rant brewing below the surface. I hold up my hands in surrender, but it's too late.  "She's reliable, honest, and hard-working! Plus, we both have blond hair."

"I don't deny that you are those things, but you are still not Applejack," I respond, trying to be gentle in her time of identity crisis. Angie huffs, flicking her hair over her shoulder. 

"Who do you think I am then?" Angie leans forward, interested in my answer. I smirk, knowing she'll hate my answer.

"Pinkie Pie," before she starts yelling at me, saying I'm wrong, I continue. "she gets a bad rep, but hear me out. She's outgoing, cheerful, and spontaneous. Sure, you're not pink or anything but your personalities match!"

She considers what I said for a second. She opens her mouth, ready to speak, but shuts it quickly. Lifting a purple mug to her mouth she says, "you're Rainbow Dash."

I gasp at her. "what makes you think I'm Rainbow Dash?"

Angie takes her time answering. She sips her coffee, loudly, swishes it around her mouth before swallowing. She swirls her mug, causing a little coffee to slosh over the side. She licks her hand where the liquid landed. I clear my throat, gesturing for her to continue. She sets her mug down with a satisfying clink on the glass table.

"She's extremely loyal, she's fast, and unapologetically herself," she shrugs. I smile at her. I toy with the thought of being Rainbow Dash. I don't see it, but I consider it a compliment.

"Isn't she like, canonly gay?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at her. She laughs.

"It's not canon," she rubs the back of her neck. "I think Alpha would be King Sombra."

"I'll be honest, I have absolutely no clue who you're talking about. I only know the main characters and he is not ringing any bells." 

"He's arrogant and cruel, that's all you need to know," Angie grins at me. I rub my arm nervously. Should we be bad-mouthing Alexander? "Trust me."

I stand up and grasp my mug. "This has been fun, but I need a shower."

"Yes, you definitely do," Angie rises. She chugs the rest of her coffee. We walk through the door and into the kitchen. We rinse our mugs out, placing them in the dishwasher. We go our separate ways, promising to do the same thing tomorrow after training. 

I find my room and gather everything I need to shower. Climbing in, I bask in the warmth. Showering has always been a safe place for me. I look forward to getting to just relax in the heat of the water pouring over me. I scrub my body with a sweet-smelling body wash that I found already provided in the fully stocked bathroom. I can't quite identify the scent but I believe it may be a pear. 

I take my time shampooing and conditioning my hair. I feel my muscles loosen from the intense workout just hours prior. Alpha Alexander floats into my thoughts and I find myself smiling under the rainfall like an idiot. He makes my heart race and my head both cloudy and clear at the same time. It's been too long since I've felt like this. It's exciting and nerve-racking. 

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