19 The Vacation

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Bree POV

We are on our way to Batangas even before the sun rises. Clyde is the designated driver while I'm at the backseat with Althea, who is busy pretending I'm invisible. I tried talking to her but all she did is shrugged her shoulders like she doesn't give a damn about me. I sighed in defeat at her stubborness, I know she hates me and I don't know how to change her mind.

We are near the resthouse when I heard my phone rang. I checked who it is and I smile seeing it's Howard who is calling. I answered it right away.

"Hey stranger!" Aniko. I saw Clyde took a peek at me at the rearview mirror.

"It's Howard." Sagot ko sa mapagtanong na ekspresyon na mukha ni Clyde. Tumango lang siya sa akin.

(Hey, Are you home? I got some papers that needs your signature.) Howard asked.

"Oh, We are actually on our way to lolo's resthouse in Batangas. Can that wait?" Napatingin ako kay Althea na inirapan naman ako. I rolled my eyes at how hard-headed Clyde sister is.

(Really? Are you with your husband? Is.... ah... Is Althea with you too?) mahinang tanong niya na animo'y bumubulong. Napangiti ako sa inaakto ni Howard. I smell something in the air as I looked at Althea who is looking at the window but obviously listening to my conversation.

"Really Ward? And may I know why you're asking?" Tanong ko na ikinatawa ng pagak ni Howard.

(Nah... forget it. Don't think of anything Bree, so these papers needs you. I'll bring it to you there. I know where Don Alfredo's resthouse is anyway. Is it alright?) ani Howard na ikinataas ng kilay ko.

"Well, if it's urgent and it is really really important that I got to sign those papers, by all means Ward, come and join us. Bring some beach shorts too, okay? And to answer your question earlier, it's a yes. I'm with Clyde and Althea." Aniko na ikinatawa naman ni Howard sa kabilang linya. Alam kong ramdam niya ang panunukso ko sa kanya.

(Hey, its not like that Bree. Don't get the wrong idea here.) deny ni Howard na ikinatawa ko ng mahina.

"Wrong idea? So you don't need that papers sign, asap? Is that what you're saying?" Panunukso ko na ikinatawa muli ni Howard.

(Some things never change. You still like to make fun of me. Wait for me there.) anito at pinatay ang tawag. Napapangiting muli kong binulsa ang cellphone ko ng mahagip ko ang matalim na tingin ni Clyde sa rearview mirror.

"Uh... Howard is coming too. He said he had some important documents that needed my signature. I hope its okay?" Aniko kay Cylde na tinanguan lang muli nito. Ng mapabaling naman ako kay Althea ay kita ko ang inis na bumalatay sa mukha niya at muli niya akong inirapan.

What is up with her?!

Hindi ko na lang pinansin pa ang mataray na kapatid ni Clyde at tumanaw na lang sa bintana ko.

Sa wakas ay nakarating din kami sa resthouse. Sinalubong kami ni Nana Pita na tuwang-tuwa sa pagdating ko.

"Senyorita, maligayang pagdating! Akala ko ho ay binibiro lang ako ni Tino ng sabihing kayo ay tumawag at nagsabing dadalaw!" Tuwang-tuwa na sabi ng caretaker ng resthouse.

Bossy Bree Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon