34 Scapegoat

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Bree POV

I am now at the penthouse of the De Vega's Veroue builidng in New York kung saan binilin ni Clyde na dito ako tumuloy. Hindi ko nga akalain na napakalaki pala ng seventy-two floors Veroue building na pagmamay-ari ni Clyde na kung saan naroon din ang MV Group Real Estate Developers Inc., sa ika-fifty-eight floor. Ang pinagmamalaki kong expansion ng Montecillo Group of Companies. Kakatapos lang ng meeting namin ni Howard kasama na din ang ilang clients. Operating na din and MV Group Real Estate Developers Inc. At masasabing maganda ang feedback ng mga kliyente sa kumpanya. Nakatulong ng malaki na nasa tamang lokasyon ang pinagtayuan ng kumpanya at pati na din ang malaking pondo na kayang ilabas ng kumpanya na provided ng De Vega Empire bilang biggest shareholders. It is an overall success.

I rested my head on the headboard of the hotel's bed. Its been four days, and in that four days, I've been busy as hell but I'm loving it. I'm happy knowing that my company expansion is hitting it big in New York.

Pero hindi buo ang saya sa dibdib ko. In that four days that I'm here in New York, Clyde never even bothered to call me. Akala ko pa naman mamimiss niya ako. Iyon pala ay assumera lang pala ako. I've been checking my phone endlessly for the last four days but not a single text or call from him ever came up and so in frustration, I finally gathered my courage to call him only for the call to not push through. I stood up and paced back and forth as I redialled his number but still I can't get through. Feeling totally annoyed and slightly paranoid, I throw myself on the bed.

What is Clyde's so damn busy about that he is not even bothering to check up on me?! Why can't my call get through?! Damn! That asshole must have been enjoying himself with Miss Prim and Proper! Who knows!?

I almost throw my phone with my thoughts of what-ifs when I heard a knock on my door and lazily I opened it only to see the guy who I never thought will come here.

"Bree..." he breathed out my name. Nasa mukha ko ang gulat na makita ang lalaki sa harapan ko. I never thought I'll see him here.

"What are you doing here?" Matalim na tanong ko sa kanya. Luminga ang lalaki sa paligid na animo'y pasikreto ang pagpunta niya.

"Let me in first then I'll tell you." Nagmamadaling aniya. I'm curious to know why he's here kaya naman niluwagan ko ang pinto para siya makapasok. Nagkusa ng umupo sa sofa ang lalaki. He looked problematic.

"So?" Inip na aniko ng ilang minuto pa ang lumipas ay hindi pa rin siya nagsasalita. Parang hindi niya alam paano magsisimula. He heaved a deep sigh then looked straight in my eyes.

"I couldn't go near you Bree. Bantay sarado ka ni De Vega. It's a good thing you went here in New York, I sneak and bribe a lot of people just to see you. I came to warn you about De Vega. He is a dangerous man to get involved with. At planado niyang lahat ng nangyayari ngayon sa kumpanya mo. Hell! I risked my own company just to warn you." Ani Devauer. Nasa mukha nito ang kaseryosohan sa mga sinabi niya.

"Kindly expound, Lucas..." matigas na sagot ko. Hindi ko maintindihan ang mga sinasabi ng lalaki. Planado? Alin ang planado? Napahagod ng buhok si Devauer, bakas sa mukha niya ang pagkabalisa at galit.

"De Vega is set to get you. I don't know why he is after your company, but he is. The De Vegas are known for tearing down companies and then rebuilding and rebranding them, that is how their empire is built and made. At target ka ngayon ni De Vega. He bought a great deal of the floating shares in the market. He manipulated the expansion. How do you think he get you to agree of being partners? He used Argueles. He used Sinclair. He used me. I bet he asked for an insane percentage of shares from the expansion?" Pakiramdam ko nawalan ng lakas ang tuhod ko kaya mabilis akong napaupo sa sofa. Nasa mga mata ni Devauer ang pagkaawa. Alam niyang tama siya sa hinala niya base sa naging pamumutla ko.

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