"Who are you? Don't you know manners, disturbing others sleep early in the morning" I bit out with gritted teeth.

"Hey, Khushi. Is this way to behave with others? You are newly wedded, do you remember that. By now you should be in kitchen preparing breakfast for your in-laws. Do you even know it's your first day in your in-laws? Why are you like this khushi?" I checked my caller id and bit my tongue realizing the other side is none other my maa. Great morning, this day shouldn't be worse than this.

"I am feeling sleepy, so i am sleeping. What it have problem with my in-laws? Don't act like serial sanskari mom and don't order me to act like sanskari bahu. I am not going to do anything like that. And don't increase your BP by arguing with me" i finished in one breath.

"Why are you like this khushi? Is it because we forced you to marry, but they are good family and damad also a nice person. You know our situation right, please leave your stubbornness for some time and act as good wife and good daughter-in-law. They should not regret about this marriage. Please khushi, from your voice itself i know you're still not out of the bed. Get up, like a good girl go freshen up. It's already 9" my mother voice somewhat calm me a little yet am angry on my situation and did not want to abide her.

"When they have no problem, why are you fussing over it?" I get up from the bed slowly.

"If they didn't voice out that doesn't mean they have no problem with this attitude of yours. I am sure they'll feel bad, if anyone other family in that place, till now you must be crying in kitchen room hearing your in law taunts. Don't misuse the freedom they given you" my mom warned me. But she is too right, for my stubborn nature they should not suffer especially ratna aunty. So i decided to do what my mom said.

Will they all angry on me? Anyways, it's also a good news to you khushi. If i continue to behave like this, then surely they'll not feel bad when i leave this house and cut ties with this family, i mentally calculated my actions and start to get ready wearing a saree.

Another thing which i dislike is saree. How people manage to walk with this thing wrapped on their body. Whenever i drape saree, i always fear of it's pleats, it likes to come in my way. I always end up struggle in walking not that i trip and fall but will stumble a bit. Today also it is not going to be new.

I don't know for how many days i have to do the things which i dislike. After putting kohl and minimal make up taking in accordance of not to look good or say look like a new bride. Yes, i don't want to good look. I want to show them that i am least interested in this marriage yet the family should not get hurt my attitude. So i wore saree and one bangle on each hand, a simple stud, mangalsutra in my neck. My maa strictly warned me to not take of the mangalsutra. So i leave it in its place, who knows how many days it was going to be there.

With final look in mirror, i descended downstairs seeing the surroundings. Yesterday it was night so i didn't noticed the house. When i was in last step, my in-laws relatives came near me.

"These days there is no respect for traditions or elders. See we all already eaten breakfast, but this maharani decide to show her presence at nine" they spoke among themselves.

I grit my teeth, "It's none of your concern" i clearly shown my displeasure. I must say, they are shocked hearing my response. Who gave them right to criticize my behavior. If my in-laws don't have any problem then who are they to interfere in my matter.

"Haww...how rude? You..." One of them started to say something before that ratna aunty came there.

"Beta, did you wake up. How is your headache now? Come have breakfast before that do some small puja. It's hardly take five minutes. Do you have any problem in sitting for five minutes?" Ratna aunty asked me with concern. I smiled for the first time from the morning.

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