Author's note.

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I wanted to say myself that I'm not updating any stories on this account anymore. Remembered this thing existed and felt bad that I just kind of left. So, thanks for reading what I wrote so far. Have a nice day.

Now, I wanna expand and talk about me. Because I can.

I love science and psychology and philosophy. I just like learning things, but that doesn't mean I excel at school (laziness is a major weakness.) I also enjoy art. I like drawing, and can't do much of anything else. I, however, am not a writer. This story was really fun to make, and I would love to continue it (don't get your hopes up, but perhaps out of nostalgia I will one day.) But I just wanted to talk.

Make time to take care of yourself, and I hope you chase your ambitions. Sounds grossly inspirational, and a bit unnecessary, but I think people need to hear it sometimes. You're gorgeous, and please be yourself. Someone loves you, even if you can't see it. Know that.

Adiós, readers.

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