Cloudy Skies and Waterfall-Eyes

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   You closed your eyes and caught the snowflakes with your tongue, savoring the cold atmosphere. When you opened them again, your eyes wandered the snow-covered ground until they landed upon a pair of feet. Your eyes met theirs, but you were too slow. A sphere of snow hit your arm, so you retaliated.

   You ran around the yard, firing the snowballs at your enemies. They scattered, now determined to hide from your icy-wrath. This continued for some time, until you had to stop and wipe your eyes. The brisk air was finally getting to you, and you set down your ammunition to warm up.

   Your cheeks and nose were pink from the chill, and your fingers were numb from the cold. Your eyes stung as you tried to get rid of the water falling out of them. Your opponents watched from their previous positions, looking at you worriedly.

   "Hito-chan?" Honey questioned with his little voice. He waddled up to you in his thick coat, and peered at you from underneath a pink fuzzy hat with a face sewed into it.

   "What is it Sweetie?" You said with a sniffle. In an instant Mori was in front of you, his hand on your forehead. You looked up at him as the tears continued to fall down your face. "It probably looks like I'm crying, huh?" You joked with a cheeky grin as you squinted your eyes at him.

   "You're going inside," Mori mumbled, taking your hand and pulling you along. You pouted and tried to pull your hand away, but he kept his strong grip. You whined loudly, stomping your feet along the white-padded ground like you were a little child.

   "Hitoshi, you need to go inside. We can't afford to have you sick once the break is over.." Mr. Glasses muttered as he headed inside. You uttered a response under your breath and sighed before giving up.

   Michael came around his corner and hurried to catch up with you. "Hitoshi? Are you sick? You need to go heat up! I'll go make everyone some hot chocolate, you go sit by the fireplace and get warm!" Michael said as he rushed inside.

   Once in, Mori sat down in front of the fire, and pulled you down onto his lap. He held you close as your other guests filed inside, taking off their coats and hats.

   "Look at what you've done Hitoshi. You ruined our play-day out in the snow because your cold heart couldn't handle it!" The twins mocked as they sat down on the couch. They stretched their arms and smiled to themselves, feeling accomplished at their remark.

   You turned around and stuck your tongue out at them as Honey sat down next to you and Mori. "But Kyoya's heart is a frozen tundra, how come he didn't get effected?" You smirked. Haruhi soon sat on your other side, neglecting Tamaki as he sat down on the other side.. Michael practically sprinted into the room with a couple gigantic blankets you never knew even existed. He threw them into the room before turning to run back into the kitchen and attend to his hot chocolate.

   You moved your bum off of Mori and passed the blankets around before wrapping one of the fluffy blanket around your self. You leaned against Mori's shoulder, and talked to Honey about how many marshmallows you each would have with your hot chocolate.

   "Hey, how come you guys gets a blanket and we don't?" The twins exclaimed rather loudly, huddling together like they were cold.

   "I would like to know why I haven't recieved one either," 

   "I assumed your heads were full of enough hot air to keep you three warm..." You said, feigning a confused expression. They stared you down as the others laughed, and you smiled back before getting them their own.

   "Hot chocolate is coming!" You heard Michael scream the last word from the other room. You jumped a little and went to go help him serve the chocolaty treat.

   "Maybe next time don't scream so loud.." You said quietly with a smile as you reached to grab a mug.

   "Sorry I had burnt my ha-- Hitoshi!" Michael swatted your hand away before you could pick it up. You looked up at him and furrowed your eyebrows.

   "Servers do this all the time with hot plates of food, I think I can handle it," you smirked. You picked up two mugs and ignored the intense heat. After a few minutes, everyone had received their delicacy.

   "Hitoshi, aren't you going to drink yours?" Mori questioned as he looked down at your hands that you were shaking furiously.

   "Once my hands don't burn like the sun, I will." You said quickly. You heard the twins laughing at you hysterically in the background as you went to the kitchen so you could run your hands under cold water. While your hands were under the sink, your eyes wandered towards the window.

   The sky was a dark gray, which was nearly black from the clouds, and dotted with little specks of white snow. The colors reminded you of a familiar pair of eyes...

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