Charlie Saved

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Charlie finally arrived to his car and unlocked it he carefully laid Maya on the backseat and took his jacket and put it around Maya's wound hoping that it stop the bleeding as he drives the hospital. Charlie buckles Maya up and gets in the driver seat and starts driving to the hospital.

Charlie finally arrived and puts sunglasses and a hat so they won't recognize him in case they saw the news, Charlie rushes to the back and opens the car door and unbuckles Maya and carefully carries her inside.

"HELP! HELP! MY FRIENDS IN TROUBLE!" Charlie shouted grabbing everyone's attention they bring a stretcher and Charlie carefully places Maya onto the stretcher the doctors rushed Maya into the ER.

"Patient looks to be in critical condition and needs to go to the ER!" One of the doctors said Charlie tried to follow them but was stopped by nurses.

"Sir you need to stay here and wait let the doctors do their job. Can you tell us what happened?" The nurse asked but before Charlie could answer.

"GARDER!" A voice shouted angrily Charlie turned around and saw Sasha who looked beyond furious Charlie quickly ran out of the hospital with Sasha chasing after him.

Charlie managed to make it to his car and drove away but not before receiving a rock thrown into the back of his car window.

Sasha walked inside and approached the nurse.

"Why was he here! He's a criminal who's responsible for my fiancée almost dying and my best friend death!" Sasha said angrily.

"He was here because his friend was hurt. She's in critical condition I was going to..." the nurse we cut off.

"Wait did this friend have blond hair and wore a red short sleeved jacket decorated by red flame-like motifs on the edges." Sasha asked hoping the nurse said yes.

"Yes, do you know her?" The nurse asked, "I'm family of hers I need to know if she'll be okay. Please tell me she'll make it!" Sasha begged.

"I honestly don't know but from what I saw in her condition I'll be surprise if she even makes it." The nurse replied, "If you give me your name and phone number I'll call you once the doctor has news of your friends." The nurse explained Sasha nodded and gave her all the information and left to tell the others what she just learned.

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