The Winner Is...

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Alexa was in the ring as she waits for Maya entrance she looks around in the audience and sees that their holding signs of Maya name.

Yeah, You could be the greatest
You can be the best
You can be the King Kong banging on your chest

Maya walks in with Bayley and Sasha walking on either side of her they hug and greet their fans as they walk towards the ring, Maya hugs both Bayley and Sasha and enters the ring as Bayley and Sasha climb over the wall and stand beside Chai, Austin, and Ally who are clapping for Maya.

Maya and Alexa locked eyes and the bell rang smile signaling that the match has begun.

Alexa immediately vacated the ring as Maya makes a mad dash towards her but managed to knock Alexa into the turnbuckle making her back hit the pad.

Maya back flips away and uses Bayley corner shoulder tackle/back elbow combo but is kicked in the face causing Maya to stumble back giving Alexa the chance to do an arm drag to Maya planting her to the mat.

Alexa got on top of Maya as the referee started counting

1..2.. Maya shots up before the referee could count to three Maya pushes Alexa off her as the two girls roll out of the ring.

They stand up and lock eyes towards one another and run towards each other Maya gets a hold of Alexa first and effectively does a Bayley-Belly on the stairs causing a scream of agony from Alexa.

Maya enters the ring and falls on the bottom rope as she catches her breath, Maya notices Alexa slowly getting up decides to act quick.

Maya uses the ropes and hits Alexa with a suicide dive the same move that Sasha taught her and used against Alexa a couple weeks ago.

Maya and Alexa were sprawled out like a car wreck the two where lying on the ground as the crowd cheered for Maya to get up.

"GO MAYA! YOU CAN DO IT!" Maya's friends shouted loudly drawing Maya attention who was slowly getting up and just as she was halfway up


Maya fell on the ground by a sudden impact to her back behind Maya was Alexa holding the kendo stick and watched as Maya was in pain she looked up and saw the expression on Bayley, Sasha faces and turned her attention on Maya again.

She tossed the stick inside the ring and helped Maya get up and tossed her inside the ring Alexa enters the ring and picks up the stick and circles around Maya as she watches her slowly get up on her knees.

Sasha, Bayley watched in pain as Maya was repeatedly being beaten by the kendo stick Bayley couldn't take it anymore and was climbing over but was stopped.

"Bayley! You can't help Maya!" Sasha said with a painful voice, "But she's in trouble! Look at her she's getting repeatedly hit by the kendo stick! How can I... we stand here and not do anything? When Alexa attacked us Maya didn't stand and watch she helped us and..." Bayley stopped mid sentence when she noticed Sasha clenching her fists tightly.

"I know Bayley... I know. But remember what Maya promised us to do before the match began." Sasha asked Bayley who nodded.

"She said that even though it's a No Disqualification Match she doesn't want us to infer in the match because she wants to beat Alexa by herself and teach her not to mess with the people she cares about." Bayley answered, "Yeah, I want to help Maya so badly right now that my body is trembling but we can't break our promise to her we promised we wouldn't inter and let's not forget this is Maya where talking about. We trained her and taught her all our moves. Don't worry she'll win." Sasha said Bayley nodded and the two held hands as they watched the fight.

Maya was still lying on the mat along with Alexa who Maya managed to hit before she was struck by the stick again Maya saw the stick was near the end of the ring she started crawling ignoring the pain that was caused just as Maya was about to grab it she is beaten to it and kicked out of the ring.

Maya landed on her back painfully as Alexa used the kendo stick to help her stand up Maya knew she had to think of a plan immediately or she's going to get hit.

Maya looked under the ring for anything to  help her as Alexa left the ring and started walking towards Maya. Just as Alexia was going to strike she was hit in the leg by something metal that made her fall down and drop the stick Maya got up and was holding a metal chair, Maya slowly got up and grabbed Alexa by the hair and tossed her inside the ring and climbed inside she helped Alexa up and both climbed to the top rope.

Maya wrapped her arms around Alexa waist and performed Bayley's Avalanche Bayley-Belly resulting in both girls to fall off the rope and Alexa to land in her back Maya turned and saw that Alexa could barely move.

"Just one more move and it's over." Maya thought as she got up and climbed the top rope again and used the Dive Elbow Drop but Alexa rolled out of the way before Maya made impact causing Maya to land on her elbow.

"AHHH!" Maya yelled as she rolled in pain she opened her eyes and saw Alexa about to strike with a kick but moved out of the way causing Alexa to trip with pure exhaustion Maya saw this as her chance and went over to Alexa and wrapped her arms around Alexa neck and brought it up high as she performed the Bank Statement Alexa screamed in agony and tapped out immediately and the bell rang indicating that Maya won Maya let go of Alexa and rolled in her back as she took deep breaths.

"AND THE WINNER IS.... MAYA MATTHEWS-HART HUNTER!" The announcer announced loudly as the crowd screamed.

Bayley, Sasha climbed over and ran towards the ring and climbed inside and helped Maya up as they smiled at Maya proud to see how far she's come and couldn't be more prouder of her the three girls hugged each other as they couldn't help but smile. Bayley, Sasha kissed Maya on the cheek and lifted her up as Maya laughed happily she was let down and was greeted with more hugs not just by Bayley, Sasha but also Chai, Austin, and Ally who were happy for Maya.

Maya faced the front entrance and saw WWE superstars lined up and clapping loudly as they smiled and some cried as well Maya was hugged again by Bayley, Sasha who couldn't help but continue to hug Maya.

"Thank you, I don't know how I can ever repay you guys but thank you for taking a chance on me a girl that you didn't know anything about but took me as your student. I couldn't ask for better teachers I'm proud to be called your student." Maya said with tears as the three girls hugged each other and cried.

As they pulled away they noticed Alexa walking towards them Bayley, Sasha stepped in front of Maya in case she wanted to attack but where surprised by what Alexa did.

Alexa stuck out her hand, Sasha, Bayley, Maya, and the rest where shocked that Alexa was waiting to shake Maya's hand before Bayley or Sasha can do anything Maya stepped up and shook Alexa hand and for some odd reason the two smirked at each other.

"You gave me the hardest fight I ever had in my career and I hope one day that we can fight again maybe for the title if you ever agree to become a wrestler." Alexa said, "Same here I hope one day that we can have a rematch again but I don't know about me becoming a wrestler." Maya replied with a smile.

"A deals a deal, I'm no longer your teacher anymore your teachers are Bayley, Sasha they deserve to have you as student and are lucky to teaching someone with huge potential, and Bayley I hope we can have are rematch soon because I want to see who's the real champion of Raw, and if I do win then I wanna fight you, Sasha." Alexa said the three girls nodded and shook hands Maya whispered something in Alexa ear Alexa nodded and left the ring and smiled one more time at Maya.

"MAYA! MAYA! MAYA! MAYA!" The crowd chants as Maya is attacked with hugs by the WWE superstars and lifted up along with Sasha and Bayley as the three interlock hands and raise them up.

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