Friendships Broken

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Once, Maya, Riley, and Scott arrived home Scott went to play with his toys until it was time for his bath. Maya went straight to her and Riley bedroom so Maya can pull out her English homework to use for the hearing. When Maya pulled out her binder and went to her English section she was surprised to see all the assignments she got from Charles was no longer their.

Maya checked the rest of binder and backpack along with folders but they weren't their.

"Peaches, did you get your English assignments?" Riley asked. "Honey their not here! I checked my entire binder, folders and backpack as well but nothing!" Maya answered worried that she no longer had proof.

"It's alright, Maya. Remember that I still have my assignments from Charles that will still be enough proof that at least he's failing me because of my sexuality not to mention the same thing goes for Chai." Riley replied and Maya slightly smiled for she felt guilty that she yelled at Chai and made her cry.

Riley who was told by Farkle what happened in Chubbies between Maya and Chai knew it was her her fault because she promised Chai not to tell Maya when she should have told Maya from the beginning.

Riley hugged Maya from behind and Maya smiled at Riley for she always managed to cheer her up.

"Maya I know you feel guilty about the fight you and Chai had. But it's not your fault it's my fault." Riley explained and Maya kissed her on the lips.

"If it's anyone fault it's mine I should've let Chai explain but instead I let my anger get the best out of me. I don't deserve to ask for her forgiveness, Riley. I don't even deserve to be her friend." Maya replied sadly as she stared at her right wrist where she longer had the friendship bracelet as she threw it in the ground when she existed out of Chubbies.

Riley hated to see Maya sad it broke her heart. Riley turned Maya around so Maya can face her. Riley lifted Maya face and smiled at Maya.

"Maya, you shouldn't say that you know that Chai will always be your friend and she always supports you in your decision! Just like you do the same. Just talk to Chai, okay Peaches." Riley said and Maya nodded with a smile.

But the next day everyone was shocked how Maya and Chai were avoiding each other when it's obvious that Maya and Chai miss talking to each other. Riley, Farkle, Zay, and Smackle thought that they just needed time while Lucas says that Chaya is officially over and it was eventually going to happen which shocked the rest of the friends to hear this from Lucas.

It wasn't until they noticed that Chai was no longer wearing her friendship bracelet that they got extremely worried. The four friends knew that they needed a plan for Maya and Chai to talk and become friends because things weren't just the same anymore.

Riley, Farkle, Zay, and Smackle were at the common room discussing on how to fix Maya and Chai friendship.

"Okay it's been week and Maya and Chai haven't talked to each other since the fight!" Riley said frustrated with the two girls.

"Chai even took off her friendship bracelet!" Zay said. "So how do we plan on fixing this because I'm tried of hearing Chai cry." Farkle replied for it sad to hear Chai cry.

"I don't know! The two haven't been in a same room other than history class but they don't even talk to each other their." Riley answered. They all started thinking of a plan but couldn't come up with anything until.

"Guys I think I just found are solution." Zay said with a smirk and started explaining the plan.

"Thanks again, Carrie on helping me with the book." Maya said as both girls existed out of the library. "It's no problem, Maya. And thank you for helping me with Bryan. I really appreciate it." Carrie replied happily.

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