Its Over

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A month has passed and the group of friends have finally thought of a plan that will show the coach that he is a racist and should be fired as well as treat others the same.

But they needed help with the plan when they asked for help some didn't agree but it wasn't till Zay told them why they instantly agreed.

It was the first football game of the season and everyone was pumped. The group was with Zay and Lucas who were both wearing their football uniforms.

"Good luck, guys! Will be cheering for you." Chai said as she hugged Zay and Lucas who returned it, "Thanks Chai, we appreciate it." Lucas replied with a smile.

"Okay, does everyone know the plan?" Maya asked and they nodded, "Good, its time to stand up and show that racist what happens when you mess with one of us. C'mon Riley I need you to come with me. Zay and Lucas the two of you head out to the locker rooms before the game start, and Farkle and Smackle I'll text you when Riley and I get everything and then you'll meet us behind the stadium." Maya said as she reminded everyone what to do.

They all nodded and split in different directions to do their parts in the plan.

Lucas and Zay headed to the locker room, Maya and Riley went to get all the stuff they needed and Farkle and Smackle headed to the football stadium.

Maya and Riley arrived in their dorm and got the signs, posters and the megaphone and headed out towards the football stadium as Maya texted Farkle to meet them behind the stadium.

Lucas and Zay arrived to the boys locker room and saw the rest of the football players waiting and looked up once they saw them.

"Okay, does everyone know what to do?" Lucas asked and received nods, "Okay, Maya just texted me that her along with Riley that they have everything are about to meet up with Farkle, and Smackle." Zay explained as he looked at his teammates who all looked determinedly

"You know you don't have to do if you don't want too. I'll completely understand." Zay said as he looked at his teammates and saw their expressions on their faces. One of their teammates who happened to be the same boy that they have in Mr. Matthews class.

"Zay, your our teammate but also are friend as well as family! We're all family and we don't judge you on the color of your skin because we see you as equal and a kind, funny person who were glad to have met and be part of the team. Now let's head out and let ARE voices be heard" Parker said determined as everyone nodded and left the locker room and headed towards the stadium.

As they headed towards the stadium they see Maya, Riley, Farkle, and Smackle in the halls with the posters, signs, and megaphone. They all approached Maya, Riley, Farkle, and Smackle.

"Are you guys ready for this?" Maya asked for a grin. "YEAH!" They shouted they were then given the signs and they headed once they heard their teams. They all ran out and walked out to the football holding the posters, signs and Maya and Riley both carrying megaphones.

The crowd started cheering but immediately stopped when they saw what the football players along with the students carrying.

The signs had all different sayings, some had "WE CAN ONLY BE GREAT WITHOUT HATE!" "SAY NO TO RACISM!" They all walked to the center of the football field they walked around in circles.

They then saw the coach approach them with an angry expression they'll ever seen. He now in in front of the football players he then noticed Zay and looked at him with disgust and just as he was about to walk over to Zay he was then stopped.

"HEY RACIST!" Maya yelled with her megaphone which hurt the coach ears badly for Maya was standing behind him. He turned around and noticed Maya and pure anger on her face.

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