What If

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"Okay which do you wanna do first? The one where I chose Chai instead or Farkle not shouting out Riley feelings?" Maya asked nervous of the outcome once they answer their questions.

"I wanna know what would happen if you chose Chai." Zay answered excited which resulted in Lucas hitting him in the arm.

"Okay what do you guys wanna know?" Chai asked curious on what questions they'll receive.

"Maya would've propose to Chai once you told her that you chosen her?" Zay asked which made Riley  curious for would've Maya done the same to Chai.

"No I wouldn't asked Chai to marry me." Maya stated clearly without even thinking about it Chai knew that Maya would say no to Zay question.

"Wow so that means that if chose Chai you wouldn't propose to her you'll only propose to Riley." Zay asked making sure he understood right and from the nod he received from Maya he got it right.

"Okay, next question would Chai be the first person you lost your...." Lucas was immediately cut off by both girls who were blushing.

"NO!" Both girls said at the same time which shocked Lucas for he thought that they'll say yes.

"How come? I mean the two of you are dating so..." Farkle trailed off when he noticed Maya and Chai expressions. "The two of you were going to be your firsts weren't you!" Farkle said surprised for he never expected that Chai and Maya would take their relationship to that level.

Farkle then noticed Riley expression. "You knew about it didn't you, Riley?" Farkle asked but he already knew the answer from the way Riley expression looked.

"Okay, Chai was going to be my first we decided that we wanted to lose it on my birthday but as we were about to...." Maya looked at Chai to continue.

"We realized we were about to make a mistake! We were just juniors who were about to have are first time together and we didn't want to lose it like that we wanted to lose it with someone will spent the rest of ARE lives with someone we love and even though I was in love with Maya. So we decided to wait." Chai finished as the two looked at their friends who were surprised that what almost happened between Chai and Maya.

"Wow!" They all said in unison expect for Maya, Riley and Chai who looked at looked at each other and Riley and Chai were then reminded of the love triangle.

"Riley are you sure you want to continue?" Maya asked gently, "Yes, I'm sure Maya." Riley replied with a small smile. Maya kissed Riley instantly making Riley smile and once they pulled apart Maya whispered a "I love you" to Riley and the smile at each other.

"Now that the two lovebirds are done being cute next question." Zay said jokingly as he smiled both at Maya and Riley.

"Okay, but this is the last question okay. So you better think of a good one." Chai said which resulted in them to think what they want the last question to be.

"Do you guys think that the two of you will last?" Farkle asked curious for the universe knows that Maya and Riley belong together so that means in any universe the two will always find to be together because their meant to be.

"No!" They both said together. "I know that Maya and I will have realized later on that we don't belong together." Chai answered with a slight smile

"Thanks, Maya and Chai for answering are questions." Riley replied with a smile. "No problem, Riley." Maya responded. They decided to go to Chubbies and eat some food their as they started heading out.

"You guys go on head I need to talk to Chai real quick." Maya explained and they left knowing that Maya and Chai needed to talk from the way they were acting towards each other.

The two sat in the couch and stayed silent for a minute until Chai broke it.

"Maya do you think that if their really is a Multiverse do you think if we tried harder in are relationship we could still be together? Chai asked curiously Maya looked at Chai and smiled at her.

"Yeah, I do Chai maybe in some alternative  universe we could be together but if theirs one think I'm certain about I know that in any universe will still be friends. Maya said which made Chai smile at Maya response.

"I know I told you this before but I'm glad that you were my girlfriend, Chai. Your a very special person and I'm glad to have you in my life so Riley and I have been talking and we wanted to ask you if you want to be Scott... godmother?" Maya asked with happiness.

Chai nodded with tears in her eyes and the two shared a hug they stayed like that for awhile and when they let go of each other they held hands.

"I will love to be Scott godmother! Thank you, Maya. I really appreciate what you and Riley have done you all changed me into a person especially you, Maya." Chai said with a sincere smile that Maya returned.

The next two chapters everything changes with a unexpected surprise and during those chapters you'll learn what happened in Maya bachelorette party

Tomorrow I will have surgery so I'll post two chapters in the morning for I won't be able to post for Saturday to Monday.

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