The Battle Starts

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Maya didn't feel any pain that she felt last time when she took the bullet for Riley. Maya opened her eyes and was shocked on who was right in front of her before the body could fall to the ground Maya managed to catch the body Maya kneels on the floor as she places Bayley head on her lap and holds her hand.

"Bay... Bayley how did you even know I was here? Why... why did you take the bullet?" Maya asked tears fell from Maya's eyes.

"I heard yours and Sasha conversation and you knocking Sasha out when she wanted to help you..." Bayley coughed up blood breaking Maya's heart even more.

"As for why I did it... I couldn't let my sister die on this day the day when Barry and Sabrina were born I want them to grow up with you being their. But more importantly I'll gladly risk my life for you because you are my best friend, sister, and family I'll always remember the day that we meant that's one of my cherish memories." Bayley said with a smile as blood pour from her lips.

"Bayley..." Maya said as tears fell, "You once told me that your family and friends will always be protected as long as your still here and since I'm still here I'll always protect Sasha, Riley, Barry, Sabrina, and you along with my loved ones." Bayley replied.

"When I'm gone just carry on don't mourn, rejoice! Every time you hear the sound of my voice. Just know that I'm looking down at you smiling. And I didn't feel a thing. Just smile back." Bayley said

"Thank you, Maya, for everything I'm so proud of how far you come. Tell Sasha I'm sorry that I won't be their to see him or her grow up but tell Sasha I love her, forever. Goodbye, Maya." Bayley says as she closes her eyes with a smile on her face.

"BAYLEY!" Maya shouted as uncontrollable tears fell she gently rocked Bayley as she cried that Bayley is gone Farkle and Chai were hugging each other as they cried that they lost one of their closest friends.

"Yet another person you could've saved, just like you couldn't save your father. How will Sasha react knowing that your responsible for Bayley death." Rebel asked as he along with Lucas and Charlie laughed. Maya stared at Bayley body she looked at the three who were responsible for Bayley death more specifically Rebel.

"You wanna know another secret Hunter, Lucas is one of the reasons that Kermit is dead. He hinted the idea towards Charlie and Missy and the two told Carla and I about the idea. It was amazing idea I mean you were finally getting to rebuild a relationship with your father and then..." Rebel was cut off by a scream he and Charlie turned and saw a Kunai plugged into Lucas right shoulder they both turned and saw a yellow flash and were greeted by two hard punches Maya used a low spinning kick to Charlie making him fall on the ground.

Maya faced Rebel and managed to dodge Rebel punch she kicked him in the stomach and kneed him in the jaw when he was on his knees.

"This is for Bayley!" Maya shouted as she then performed Bayley Dropkick, Rebel fell on the floor next to Charlie who is groaning in pain. Maya turned and saw Lucas who was trying to pull the Kunai out but was painful to pull out.

He saw Maya approach her and noticed what she's done to Rebel and Charlie who were trying to get up before he can defend himself, Maya came and wrapped her arms around Lucas waist and just as she was about to perform Bayley-Belly she was pulled away and turned around and was hit with a Blissful Curb.

Maya groaned and looked up and saw Rebel smirking as he pulled the Kunai out of Lucas and tossed it to the ground. Before either of the boys could hit Maya she was picked up by Farkle and the two went to hide where Maya was greeted by Chai holding Bayley.

"We need to get out of here, now!" Chai said. "But we can't the doors are locked and we don't have the key." Farkle pointed out when Maya pulled something out of her pocket and showed the two the key.

"How did you know?" Chai asked. "Before I sneaked inside I saw Charlie lock the door with chains and put the key in his front side of his pocket." Maya answered and then stared at Bayley and tears started falling again Maya clenched her fists tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Maya, but you know it's not your fault, Maya?" Farkle whispered so they wouldn't get caught Chai decided that perhaps Bayley is alive since Maya was alive when she took the bullet for Riley. Chai checks Bayley pulse and is surprised.

"Maya, Farkle, she's alive! Bayley is alive!" Chai shouted quietly Maya and Farkle crawled over and checked Bayley pulse and she is alive but barely. Maya peeked over the box and saw the three boys were trying to find them and were almost close to them.

Farkle noticed Maya expression and grew concerned, "Maya what's wrong?" Farkle asked but all Maya did was smile at them and Bayley.

"I thought this over and any way we think of theirs only one way to escape." Maya says smiling realization hits Farkle and Chai on what's about to happen.

"Take care of my family for me tell Riley that I had to do this... Goodbye my friends." Maya says she quickly throws the keys just as she was about to run out Farkle manages to catch Maya's left hand but only takes off Maya's wedding ring and friendship ring.

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