Riley Unexpected News

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Two months has passed since Maya's return and everyone was happy to see Rilaya together once again especially to see Riley happy. Scott tackled Maya when he saw her and said that he kept his promise.

Maya was caught up with everything that has happened since she left especially about the Lucas problem where he tried to kiss Riley, when she was told about it Maya went to find Lucas so she can us Bayley-Belly or The Bank Statement but was told that Lucas moved to Texas for personal reasons and since then no one has talked to him.

Maya showed the group pictures of Florida, the performance center, Maya with Sasha, Bayley, and meeting other WWE superstars. Maya even agreed to train Scott in wrestling when he asked her.

"Riley are you sure you don't want me to join you in your appointment? We can just reschedule with Bayley and Sasha we can go out with them to celebrate Bayley birthday at night they'll understand and their going to be here for two days and they been wanting to meet you and Scottie." Maya asked as she watched Riley brush her teeth.

"Maya I'll be okay besides it's probably the stomach flu it has been going around lately, besides Scottie has been wanting to meet Bayley and Sasha ever since they Skype us especially since they promised to teach him some wrestling moves as well." Riley replied and the two heard someone knocking on the door.

"Maya... who's at the door?" Riley asked as she noticed Maya's mischievous smile. Maya ignored Riley and went to answer the door Riley followed and was surprised to see.

"MAYA!" Bayley yelled as she hugged Maya tightly Maya returned the hug happy to see Bayley again and receive a Bayley hug the two let go and smiled at each other Bayley saw Riley who was watching the two hug.

Riley was greeted by a surprise hug from Bayley, Riley returned the hug and Maya laughed because Bayley and Riley act exactly the same she then felt someone's arm around her shoulder and turned and saw Sasha.

"Sasha!" Maya yelled as she hugged Sasha and Sasha gladly returned the hug the two separated as Sasha went to hug Riley.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Riley, we been wanting to meet our little sis wife ever since she told us she was married and stories about you." Sasha said as she and Bayley held hands which caught Maya's attention.

Riley laughed when she noticed Maya's slight blush and the relationship the three had with Maya.

"Same here I been wanting to meet the two of you since Maya has told me about the two of you." Riley replied, "Um... I don't mean to sound rude but what are the two of you doing here I thought we were going to meet you at Chubbies." Riley asked and noticed the looks Bayley and Sasha where shooting at Maya.

"You didn't tell her?" Bayley asked and received Maya dragging Sasha out of the room, "Bye Bayley, Riley." Maya yelled as the two girls left leaving a confused Riley and Bayley laughing.

"Maya told us that you were sick and you were going to the doctor today but you didn't want to because we came to visit and felt guilty that you'll have to cancel so I asked Maya if she felt comfortable that I take you the doctors while Sasha, Maya go hang out together and that if the doctor says your okay will all hang out either tonight or tomorrow Maya was skeptical at first but agreed besides this gives us the perfect time to get to know one another." Bayley explained Riley smiled that Maya would do this and how overprotective she is.

"Thank you, Bayley, I'm glad that you decided to company me when you could've chose not to and I'm glad that I can officially get to know you since Maya always tells me that the two of us are alike." Riley replied, "Yeah Sasha told me the same thing when we first Skype with you guys but Sasha and Maya are also alike." Bayley said.

The two head to the doctors and they got to know one another how Bayley became interested in wrestling, the training she had to do, the opponents she fought but as Bayley was talking Riley couldn't help but ask her a question that's been in her mind since Maya's return.

Bayley... can I ask you a question this has been on my mind since Maya came back and I asked Maya but she always ignores the question." Riley said as the two waited for Riley name to be called.

"Yeah sure what is it." Bayley replied, "Maya told me that when she was gone she felt like the months where ulterior painful like she was stuck in a nightmare and when I would question her more she would always changed the subject... what did Maya go through when she was in Florida? I know that she learned how to wrestle from you and Sasha... I just want to know was Maya fully okay." Riley asked nervously as she twiddled with her thumbs.

"Sasha and I have been training Maya for awhile and it was night Chai visited Sasha and I and asked if we wanted to go out with them to eat I noticed that Maya wasn't there when I asked Chai she said that Maya felt tired and chose to stay in bed and for some reason I felt that something was wrong I said no that we also felt tired as well when they left Sasha and I agreed to check up on Maya we arrived outside her room and noticed the door unlocked we opened it and heard crying and we realized that it was coming from the couch and saw Maya crying alone we ran towards Maya and sat on either side of her she rested her leg on me and rested her head in Sasha we held her as she cried and that was the moment when we realized that Maya wasn't just our student, friend but family she was are sister that was the night that Sasha and I knew we wanted to protect Maya." Bayley explained before Riley could respond.

"RILEY MATTHEWS-HART HUNTER." The nurse said Riley got up, "Are you coming with me, Bayley?" Riley asked Bayley smiled and nodded the two walked inside and were escorted to the room where they waited for the doctor.

The doctor walked inside the room and introduced himself to Riley and Bayley with them doing the same.

"So Ms. Matthews-Hart Hunter, that's a long name." The doctor chuckled, "Can you tell me what's wrong with you?" The doctor asked as he looked at the paper Riley answered.

"Well I been throwing up in the morning a lot, feeling tired, been eating weird foods like peanut better covered in pickles, and tired lately I think it's the stomach flu..." Riley stopped when she noticed the doctor shocked looked.

"Okay Riley I'm going to ask you a few questions and I need you to be completely honest." The doctor said in a serious voice that worried Riley and Bayley.

"First you said that your married to girl right?" The doctor asked Riley nodded, "Is she the only person you have sex with." The doctor asked.

"Yes." Riley replied offended that the doctor will say that.

"Riley this has never happened before but I believe your pregnant. Your basically showing all the symptoms of being pregnant." The Doctor explained.

Riley, Bayley where beyond shocked for they didn't expect this but also how will Maya react to the news.

Yes I know this can never happen but it's a story and I got this idea from one of the Rilaya books and I decided to use it.

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