Maya Caught

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Maya was surprised that the waitress is kissing her Maya instantly pushed her away and wiped her mouth from the awful kiss and looked disgusted.

"What the hell is your problem!" Maya yelled angry. Chai and Farkle stood beside Maya who were both mad at the waitress.

"Didn't you hear Maya when she told you she was married!" Farkle asked, "Don't you see the wedding ring on her finger!" Chai asked and all they received was a smirk from the waitress. Zay who saw the kiss was shocked and remembered when Maya said she looked familiar and instantly knew who she is.

"Maya! It's her! It's Tina the one we met in your bachelorette party!" Zay said resulting in, "AHHHHH!" Maya, Farkle, and Chai screamed for they never thought they see her again.

"Now, I remember, it was when we went to Los Angeles. You had Maya cell phone when we lost her and were trying to find her." Farkle said as realization hit them all and remembered Maya bachelorette party and the chaos that occurred.

"Well you finally recognized me took you guys long enough. I thought that you'll recognize me sooner considering your not all drunk like last time. Well, it was nice seeing you guys again by the way you should look after Lucas he seems drunk again. Also it was nice kissing you Maya." She said with a smirk and kissed Maya on the cheek and walked away from the group.

Chai went to help Zay who was now taking care of Lucas and Billy who was apparently drunk as well from Lucas secretly giving Billy some of his beer. The two were completely drunk out of their minds and Chai could've sworn that Lucas was singing On Purpose.

"Guys, I have to tell Riley what happened." Maya says scared from how Riley will react  about the surprise kiss. Farkle noticing that Maya was panicking. Farkle faced Maya and held both her hands.

"Maya, you have nothing to panic about, okay. Just tell Riley what happened and I know for sure that she won't be mad or upset with you. She's probably going to ask you who kissed you so she can come here and get revenge." Farkle said with a encouraging smile. "Thanks Farkle, I really appreciate the encouragement." Maya replied smiling.

"Maya, its late so you should go home and tell Riley. Farkle, Zay, and I will take care of these two drunks." Chai said as she and Zay were trying to make Lucas and Billy stand up. Maya nodded and headed out to her dorm but what she did realize was someone standing in the dark corner holding a camera and talking to Tina.

"Okay, I did what you asked now give me the money." Tina said to the mysterious person who gave her hundred dollars, "So why did you want me to kiss Maya? I mean I'd didn't have a problem with it since she's cute. But why did you make me?" Tina asked as the person then started walking away. "Let's just say that I have history with her." The person said and started walking away leaving Tina confused.

Maya unlocked the door and was greeted by Riley who was seating in the couch reading a book. Riley looked up when she heard the door open and smiled when she saw Maya enter the room.

"Riley, your still up?" Maya asked surprised to see Riley up passed midnight since she usually goes to sleep around 9 P.M. Since Riley still thinks 10 P.M. Is too late and because Riley always manages to finish her assignments early.

"Yeah, the open house ended at 8:30 and once I put Scott to sleep I decided to wait for you and because I wasn't tired. I saved you some food in case you were still hungry." Riley said as she kissed Maya and headed to the kitchen.

"Riley, I actually need to tell you something." Maya said nervously, "What is it, Maya." Riley asked as she took out the food. "Something happened when..." Maya was cut off by a knock at the door which confused Maya and Riley.

"Who could be knocking at this hour?" Maya asked as she headed to open the door, "Maybe its Tiffany." Riley suggested Maya opened the door and was shocked to see Charlie Gardner standing outside the door with his classic smirk.

"CHEESE SOUFFLE!" Maya shouted shocked to see Charlie again. Riley appeared next to Maya and was shocked and scared to see him again. Maya sensing that Riley was scared moved in front of Riley to protect her in case Charlie decided to attack.

"What are you doing here, Charlie?" Maya asked with anger for she thought she seen the last of him when she knocked him and Missy out, "I came here to show Riley some pictures." Charlie replied with a creepy smile.

"Riley doesn't care about your pictures so why don't you leave all of us alone and get on with your life! You should be lucky I didn't tell the police that you and Missy were accomplices." Maya said with venom in her voice scaring Charlie but quickly hid it.

"Are you sure, Riley isn't interested in seeing photos of you kissing some other girl?" Charlie asked as he handed the pictures he took of Maya and Tina.

Riley grabbed them and saw the pictures of Tina seating in Maya lap, the kiss they had, and when Tina kissed Maya cheek.

"How did you get this?" Maya demanded and then realization hit Maya when she saw the look on Charlie face, "You payed Tina to kiss me, didn't you!" Maya asked.

"I'm surprised, Maya that you would kiss another girl when you always say that you love Riley. But looking at these pictures it seems you don't actually love her." Charlie said as he walked inside the dorm and placed his hand on Riley shoulder who was still looking at the pictures.

"Riley, I'm sorry you had to see this but you had the right to know that Maya kissed another girl. But it shouldn't surprise you I mean remember the love triangle." Charlie said as he chuckled making Maya even more anger.

"But I would never treat you like that, Riley..." Charlie stopped talking when he saw Riley rip the pictures and throw them at Charlie face.

"You think I'm actually going to let these photos make me divorce Maya? I known Maya since we were kids and I know without a doubt that Maya would never do that! Because she loves me and I love her!" Riley said as she looked at Charlie with anger.

"Riley...." Maya whispered who was shocked to see Riley like this but smiled at Riley, "I suggest you leave now, Charlie!" Maya demanded as she was now face to face with Charlie. "You'll wake up are son." Maya said and was then grabbed by the shirt.

"You don't get to order me around you WAIF!" Charlie said and was instantly pushed against the wall by Maya

"I SAID LEAVE NOW!" Maya yelled and Charlie looked terrified and was reminded when Maya knocked him out. Maya let go of Charlie and he ran away quickly not looking back.

Maya walked back inside and saw Riley standing in the same spot she was standing. Maya walked up to Riley and lifted her chin up and smiled at Riley the smile that always melted Riley heart.

"I love you, Riley." Maya said as she kissed Riley on her forehead making Riley smile. "I know and I love you too, Maya." Riley replied and then grabbed Maya shirt and pressed her lips into Maya's in a passionate kiss. They both felt the magic between them and knew that no matter who comes between them they'll always overcome it.

Maya pulled away from the kiss and looked into Riley's eyes. "I love you so much, Riley." Maya said pulling Riley in and holding her close. "I love you more than anything, Maya." Riley said embracing her wife.

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