Defending Rilaya

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Maya, Riley, and Scott where watching Extreme Rules where Bayley won her title against Alexa Bliss.

"YEAH! GO BAYLEY!" The Matthews-Hart Hunter family cheered happy to see that Bayley won and is champion once again.

They see Sasha run towards the ring and congratulate her girlfriend with a tight hug and kisses Bayley who kissed back immediately not even caring that the crowd is watching yet alone that it's on PPV.

They pull apart and smile at each other

"I love you, Bayley and I'm so proud of you I knew you could do it." Sasha whispered Bayley kissed Sasha nose and smiled but their moment is over by voice that always ruins everything.

"Awww look at the happy couple." Alexa said sarcastically with a microphone on her hand.

"It's disgusting! I mean c'mon none of us want to see the two you kiss. YUCK! It's bad enough that these idiot fans always tag me on pictures of...." Alexa was cut off.

"Alexa I knew sooner or later that you'll reveal your true self once again. I always respect Maya in her decisions but I can never understand why Maya decided you didn't have to quit your job, you should be thankful that Maya was kind to do that after all you done. But it looks like the beating that you received from Maya didn't teach you a lesson including losing the title to my beautiful girlfriend, Bayley. This proves that your not a goddess and that your nothing special whatsoever!" Sasha remarked as the crowd cheered at Sasha comeback

"Shut up! Bayley got lucky tonight because I know that when we fight again I'll be champion once again and prove that Bayley winning at Extreme Rules was a fluke. As for Maya, the same goes for her she was lucky that day and when we have are rematch I'll teach her the true way to wrestle but that isn't happening since apparently her wife is pregnant." Alexa said and then faced one of the cameras.

"Maya! I know your watching this and I gotta admit I admire you that your staying with someone who cheated on you and is lying that it's your baby when it isn't, Maya! How can you be so stupid..." Alexa was cut of by Sasha who hit Alexa with a suicide dive causing Alexa to fall on the floor and giving Bayley the chance to hit Alexa with the diving elbow drop.

Sasha handed Bayley her title as the two stared at Alexa who was in the ground in pain from the attack she received from Sasha and Bayley.

Raw Talk Interview

"Welcome to Raw talk and here we have are new Raw Women's Champion Bayley and her girlfriend Sasha Banks with us." A Renee said, "Thank you, Renee for having us here." Bayley replied.

"Your welcome, now Bayley, Sasha, in the end of the match Alexa once again talks about Maya and that she wants a rematch not only against you, Bayley but as well with Maya but this time she also mentioned the pregnancy of Maya's wife, Riley, and that the baby isn't Maya's, what do you think?" Renee asked.

"Alexa is complete liar! Listen Bayley and I met Riley and we gotten to know her and we know without a doubt that Riley would never in her life cheat on Maya. They love each other deeply." Sasha responded, "Sasha right we gotten to know Riley and we know that Riley loves Maya and cares deeply about her and would never hurt her. Maya and Riley view their unborn child as miracle because this has never happened before." Bayley said.

"Well do you think that the WWE fans are going to believe Alexa?" Renee asked. "There are already people who believe that Riley isn't carrying Maya's baby and is lying to her and I think people will start believing it more because of what Alexa said earlier." Bayley answered.

"I love the fans but when I read the comments on my Instagram that mention Riley is lying about her pregnancy, she doesn't love Maya but is using her, or that Rilaya should split up along with Bayley and I because either Bayley and I deserve to be with Maya. The fans need to understand that Bayley and I don't view Maya in a romantic way and that we see her in a sisterly way. We just want everyone to know that Alexa is lying and that Riley is pregnant with Maya's child and if you don't believe us then you can't see the love they have for each other." Sasha explained as Bayley kissed Sasha on the cheek as the two smiled at each other.

The TV was turned off by familiar person who spin the chair around and faced his friend.

"So it seems that Maya has not only returned but that Riley is pregnant and that Riley and Maya are going to be parents." Charlie said as he faced Lucas with a serious expression.

"I can't believe that Riley is pregnant!" Lucas said shocked by the news. "What do you plan to do now?" Lucas asked curiously Charlie stood up and walked to the board.

"I have a plan but first we need to find missy and get my son back." Charlie said Lucas nodded.

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