Maya vs Three

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Maya tackled Lucas who was close by drawing Charlie and Rebel attention giving Farkle, Chai, and Bayley the chance to escape. Charlie noticing the three escaping is about to stop them but Maya who managed to hit Lucas with a kick in the stomach making Lucas stumble back into Rebel who was behind Lucas resulting in the two falling to the ground.

Maya uses Dropkick making Charlie land on his back

"GO!" Maya screams but is caught off guard and tackled by Rebel resulting in Maya's back to hit one of the boxes. The three boys look up and see that they escaped but dropped the key Charlie picked it up and threw it somewhere in the warehouse house so Maya wouldn't leave.

The three boys turn around and see Maya on top of the boxes and jump down performing Diving Crossbrody landing on Charlie, Lucas, and Rebel. Maya got up and took one of the guns and runs to hide away and think of a plan.

As Lucas, Charlie, and Rebel were getting up they started hearing sirens that were coming close. Maya who was behind a couple of boxes heard it as well and knew that Farkle must've called the police and that an ambulance is coming so Bayley will be taken care of.

Maya was going to move somewhere else, "Hunter I didn't tell you how I got out of jail did I?" Rebel asked but received silence. "I was served a life sentence but when you know people in the system you get out early, they were originally supposed to call you but like I said when you know people they tend to help you out. Once I was out I called my friend Charlie and we decided to work together and Lucas joined us later on." Rebel explained as he walked around.

"While you were enjoying your life I traveled around and it wasn't till a couple months ago that I met someone you, Bayley, and Sasha know... someone who caused a lot of drama, mocked you along with your friends, tried to ruin your life, and hit you along with your other two friends with a kendo stick and that someone was... Alexa Bliss." Rebel said Maya was shocked that Rebel knows Alexa.

"I'm sure you haven't forgotten the move I used on you the Blissful Curb? When I heard that you met Sasha and Bayley who have been NXT champions and Raw women champion and decided to train you and that you made enemies with Alexa who really hates your guts when I managed to find her I told her we had one thing in common and that was destroying you. Since we hated you she agreed to train me in wrestling in case she fails to beat you so she taught me all her moves. You see Maya I'm always one step ahead of you I know all your moves you should just surrender but since I know your stubborn I decided that I can make you come out." Rebel said and pulled out a small remote.

"I planted a bomb in this warehouse and once I press this the remote button the bomb will start ticking giving us thirty minutes to leave so..." Rebel was cut off by Maya delivering a FaceBuster causing Rebel to crash into a box.

Maya saw the remote and just as she was about to reach for the remote but stopped when she heard a click she turned around and saw Lucas and Charlie holding the gun and pointing it straight at her.

"Looks like we win Hunter! Once were finished with you the three of us will sneak out and when the police arrive the first thing they'll see is dead body and everyone will be relieved that your finally gone because not only are you a brainless idiot but also a disease that ruins everything." Lucas says smirking that he'll finally get to kill Maya.

"I would rather be a brainless idiot than a heartless monster! I I see three heartless monsters who enjoy someone dying especially someone who is going to be mother!" Maya shouts angrily that Bayley almost died and wouldn't get to see her children grow up.

"Is that all you want to say before we kill you." Charlie asks as Rebel starts getting up and grabbed the remote.

"Yeah I do a wise man once told me that a real hero is someone who does the right thing, when the right thing isn't the easy thing to do." Maya says as she looks at Rebel, Charlie, and Lucas who smile.

Maya closes her eyes and flashbacks to the memories she shared with her loved ones. Especially the day her and Riley got married and Barry and Sabrina being born and when she got to hold them.

The thing that happened shocked everyone Charlie elbowed Lucas in the rib and punched Rebel in the face. Charlie grabbed Maya by the arm and the two hid behind a couple of boxes.

"THATS IT! I HAD ENOUGH TODAY IS THE DAY THAT I FINALLY GET RID OF YOU MAYA AND YOU CHARLIE JUST YOU WAIT TILL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!" Charlie yelled and pressed the remote signaling that the bomb is now active and they have thirty minutes to escape.

Matthews-Harts Hunter Meets The World Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora