Riley POV

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Since the fight that happened between Riley and Maya it changed Riley completely she was no longer the girl who was full of happiness, hope, Rileytown, and smily Riley but instead was the complete opposite of all that. Since then Riley barely ate and stayed in the dorm the entire day laying in her bed crying herself to sleep no matter how hard Riley tried to stop crying the tears they wouldn't stop. Riley decided it be best if Scott stayed at her parents house since she wasn't fit to take care of him right now.

Scott argued because he didn't want to leave since Maya told him to take care of Riley and Scott wouldn't be able to do that if he's staying at his grandparents house Riley and Scott came to a agreement that he can stay with her during the weekends but during the weekends he will constantly ask when Maya was coming back which broke her heart but what broke her heart most of all was when he asked her this.

"Mom would you stop crying if mommy came back?" Scott asked but all he received was a kiss on the forehead from Riley.

When Farkle, Zay, Smackle, Lucas and the rest of the Matthews and Hunter family where informed by Auggie on what happened they were all shocked because they never expected that this would happen to Riley and Maya especially Maya leaving. They tried everything they could to cheer Riley up and distract her from what happened but it didn't work at all it just made Riley more depressed.

Riley will repeatedly call Maya leave her voicemails, and text her but she received no response whatsoever which made her more depressed and kept thinking that their marriage was officially over.

Anytime Riley would close her eyes she would instantly be reminded of the fight that occurred.

Riley reread the article for the tenth time and saw the photos that where in the article. Constant pictures of Maya with either Bayley or Sasha, the three hanging out together, Maya, Chai, Austin, ally, Bayley, and Sasha together, the tweets that Bayley and Sasha will write to each other about who's Maya's best friend, and the poll numbers so far on who belongs with Maya. As well as the interview Bayley had.

Riley pulled out her phone and called the number she's called everyday and like always resulted in voicemail.

"Maya... peaches... I just want you to know again that I'm sorry... sorry that I betrayed you that I broke your trust." Riley started sobbing, "But can you please come back we always said to each other that we can't live in a world without each other and I'm living in that world right now! And it's painful Maya. It's like my heart was ripped out of my chest and stepped on just please..." Riley then felt someone take the phone away Riley looked up and saw Farkle with a sorrow expression. Riley hugged Farkle tightly as she cried on Farkle chest Farkle wrapped his arms around Riley.

"It hurts so much, Farkle! I can't... I just can't.... I can't live in a world without my best friend, wife, soulmate! She's my other half! I miss her so much. I feel like I'm slowly dying." Riley cried as tears fell down her face. Farkle had no response he just hugged Riley hoping that everything will get better. The last thing Riley said before she fell asleep from crying was.

"Hope is for suckers." Riley whispered sadly not realizing that in Florida Maya was silently crying as well.

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