Uncle Jacob

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It's been two weeks since the death of Scott biological parents that hasn't been discovered yet. The gang were in New York outside Chai parents house for today is Dylan birthday. Everyone was happy to be here expect for one person.

"MAYA! For the last time their is nothing to be scared about!" Chai said for the tenth time.

"Nothing to be scared about! Nothing to be scared about! Chai, your father hates my guts!" Maya said yelling. "Maya I'm sure your overreacting, Dylan doesn't hate you." Riley said as she gently stroked Maya hand.

"Yeah, don't you remember the two of you got along." Chai said reminding Maya, but before Maya could reply.

"But when you told your mom that Maya was coming as well, you could hear your dad yell because he didn't want Maya there. He even said...." Smackle was cut off by Farkle putting his hand on Smackle mouth.

"I'm out!" Maya says as she tries to walk away but is stopped by Chai and Riley who grab Maya by the shoulder. Maya shoots them the puppy dog face because it always worked on them.

"No not this time Maya, it may have worked before but this time we're not falling for it." Chai said as Riley and her cross their arms and face Maya who pouted that it didn't work.

"Jezz Maya I never thought I'll ever see you like this, I mean if anyone should be nervous it's me since this is the first time I'm attending his birthday. Did the two of you really have that good of a relationship?" Josh asked. "After one month of dating Chai, Dylan said that he sees me as family and I already have his blessing of marrying Chai." Maya simply replied which shocked everyone minus Chai who blushed.

Before anyone could reply the door was opened by none other than Dylan who smiled at them but stopped when he faced Maya who nervously smiled. Chai noticing the evil glare her dad was giving Maya.

"Happy birthday daddy!" Chai said happily as she hugged her dad with Dylan returning the hug the two broke apart, Dylan moved aside so Chai and everyone can walk inside as they walked inside Riley, Farkle, Zay, Smackle, Josh, and Lucas will greet Dylan and say happy birthday. Finally it was Maya turn.

"Happy birthday Dylan! I brought you a present...." Maya was caught off mid sentence by Dylan slamming the door. The door was opened by Britt who glared at Dylan quickly and then smiled at Maya.

"It's good to see you again, Maya. C'mon in." Britt said as she moved aside so Maya can enter and Maya handed the present to Britt who said thank you. As Maya entered she noticed that Chai looked scared, just as Maya was about to ask Chai if she was okay.

"CHAI!" Shouted a unfamiliar voice as the group turned they noticed a man who looked similar to Dylan expect he had a black hair. Maya and Josh looked at each and then at the mysterious man since they met Chai family but never him.

"Chai, look who came over to visit! It's your favorite uncle Jacob, he's going to be staying here so he can be here for your birthday." Dylan said happy as he hugged his older brother. Maya noticed that Chai looked not only pale but terrified.

"Chai are you?" Maya whispered worriedly with concern as she felt Chai shaking, Chai dragged Maya to the far corner as everyone else was greeting Jacob.

"It's him, Maya! It's him." Chai replied with worry in her voice which confused and scared Maya greatly, Maya gently grabbed Chai hands.

"Chai what are you talking about?" Maya asked. "Remember when we almost had sex but we decided not to and then you stayed over the night, and I told you what happened to me when I was a kid." Chai replied. Maya thought back to the day and remembered what Chai confessed and cried in her arms as she told her the story and Maya promising Chai she'll always protect her.

"Wait that's him! That's the person who MOLESTED you! It was your UNCLE!" Maya said particularly yelling with so much anger. Maya was about to walk towards Jacob but was stopped.

"Maya don't!" Chai pleaded but Maya still didn't listen until. "Maya if you confront my uncle. I will never forgive you. I can't watch you someone I love get hurt." Chai said, "But Chai-" Maya was intercepted. "If you do something that reveals what happened I'll never talk to you again, Maya." Chai replied with a serious face which shocked Maya.

"Chai I'm not just gonna stand and watch this guy smile like he did nothing wrong! Why haven't you told your parents?" Maya asked as she eyed Jacob and then saw him check out Riley while she was talking to other members of Chai family, Maya clenched her hands into fists.

"Chai I know it's your dad birthday but we need to tell him what he did. It's not right..." Maya was cut off. "You don't understand Maya, my dad views Jacob as his hero he protected my dad from bullies and their abusive father. I just can't..." Chai voice starts cracking and Maya notices the tears in Chai eyes and quickly drags Chai to her old bedroom and closes the door and locks it and pulls Chai in a hug who instantly returns it.

"I promise Chai that I won't let him lay a single finger on you!" Maya said determined the two then sat on the bed with Chai resting her head on Maya lap.

"I guess they we're right when they said that almost was the saddest word in the world. Because you were my almost." Chai thought as looked up at Maya who had a serious face.

"I love you, Maya." Chai said. "I love you too, Chai. You become a important person in my life." Maya replied as the two smiled at each other.

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