She Loves You

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Maya stumbled back for she couldn't believe what she just heard Josh say. Maya turned and saw that Zay and Farkle were also shocked by what Josh said. Maya thought back to every moment she had with Chai and see that if Chai really did still love her.

"No Josh your wrong! If Chai really did still love me she would've told Riley and I about how she still loves me because she knows that we don't want to see her in pain." Maya responded but all she received was fake laugh from Josh as he stood up and faced Maya.

"Really! Have you forgotten when Riley hid her feelings for you because you were dating Chai and she saw how happy you were with Chai! What makes you think Chai isn't doing the same." Josh questioned Maya but all he received was silence from Maya. Just as Josh was about to say more he was beaten to it.

"That may be true but that was when we were just high school students but now we're grown up and matured." Zay argued back as he stood beside Maya left side, "Zay right we all know that will never keep secrets from each other." Farkle also said as he stood beside Maya right side.

Josh still looked unconvinced. "Yeah all of you have really matured you all proved that in Maya bachelorette party when you kidnapped me and Maya went full on Mayaville." Josh said with a smirk as all four of them were immediately reminded of what happened.

"Okay that has nothing to do with what's happening right now! The only think that matters is Chai being pregnant and you being their for her." Farkle said calmly which eased Maya and Josh.

Maya took a deep breath and sat beside Josh who was now seating on the bed.

"Josh before you make the final decision to not be apart of Chai and your unborn child I need you to hear me out okay, Josh." Maya said as she held Josh hand who nodded for her to continue.

"Josh I can tell easily that your in love with Chai I think you probably had feelings for her when you first met her but it wasn't till you got to know Chai that you feel completely in love with her." Maya stops mid sentence when she sees Josh nod.

"Why do you think Chai is still in love with me?" Maya asked curious why he thinks that. "It's pretty obvious I mean the way she looks at you and acts around you not to mention you were her first everything." Josh answered in a obvious tone and Maya couldn't help but be reminded that Riley said the same thing to Chai.

"You know Riley said the same exact thing to Chai about Chai being my first everything but just because she was my first everything doesn't mean that she still in love with me." Maya answered and Josh looked confused to what Maya is saying.

"From the look on your face your confused so let me reword it. Chai has told me that I was her first love and I will always hold a special place in her heart and she will always hold a special place in my heart as well. And Riley knows that and she's okay with it because she knows I only love her and that I see Chai as a sister but more importantly because Chai is now slowly falling in love with you." Maya confessed which shocked Josh.

"I mean you should hear the way she talks about you about how she's glad that she got to know you and how that your helping her move on and how you always answer at the first ring and listen to her and give her advice and lots of more things that I can barely keep track of." Maya explained and Josh smiled as he though back to every memory he and Chai had.

"You fall in love in the strangest places believe me I know. All I know is that Chai is indeed falling in love with and I'm glad that your person she's falling for.  Josh if the only reason you don't want to be apart of the child life is because you think Chai doesn't love you and only wants you so you'll be part of the baby life then your wrong! Because you know that Chai isn't that kind of person." Maya says and Josh takes a minute to think what Maya said and smiles and hugs Maya who returns it and they both smile and pull apart.

"Thank you, Maya. For opening my eyes and making me realize the biggest mistake I was about to make. I'm glad that I have you in my life and that Riley is lucky to have you." Josh replied as they both got up.

"Thank you guys for coming here I really appreciate it." Josh said to Maya, Farkle, and Zay who smiled. "Hey as a thank you for driving three hours here how about you party with us!" Josh suggested happily and he then noticed the uneasy looks they were giving each other.

"C'mon guys the finales are almost coming just for tonight just relax and party and forget all about your worries." Josh suggested and smiled when he saw all three smile big and they headed out the dorm and started partying enjoying the night not having a clue to what will happen the next day.

Josh woke up with a massive headache he turned around and came face to face with someone that he didn't expect to see in the same bed with him the person opened their eyes and was shocked to see Josh and they instant they both stood up.

"AHHHHH!" They screamed at the same time and then someone entered the room and stood shocked to see what was in front of him.

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