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One week has passed since Maya's death Riley and the rest still haven't comprehend that Maya is really gone this time that they won't see her until they go to the other side.

Riley was getting discharged today she'll finally get to take the twins home, Sasha and Bayley agreed that they take time off of Raw so they can help Riley since she'll need all the help.

Bayley had woken up three days everyone visited her expect for Riley for she still wasn't ready to leave the room yet.

Riley existed out of the bathroom and heard knocking on the door, Riley opened it and saw Bayley in a wheelchair with Sasha behind her.

"Bayley!" Riley said surprised to see her out of bed she stepped aside so they can enter the room Sasha pushed Bayley inside as Riley closed the door.

"I'm surprised to see you out of bed, Bayley! I'm sorry I didn't visit you when you woke up but I was... I just didn't want to leave the room yet... and see how you reacted once you... found out." Riley explained trying her best not to cry.

"It's okay I understand..." Bayley replied as she held Riley's hand and Sasha rubbing her back gently Riley smiled at the comfort.

"I actually came here not to just visit you but tell you something." Bayley confessed. "What do you want to tell me?" Riley asked and noticed the exchange looks that Sasha and Bayley shot each other.

"I don't know how to explain it but... I saw Maya." Bayley said shocking Riley. "What do you mean you saw Maya?!" Riley asked deeply confused.

"I saw her in the other side we were in the WWE Performance Center and she was telling me that she died but I'm still alive she told me what happened after I supposedly died, Charlie helped Maya fight Lucas and Rebel. Maya knew deep down that she was going to die fighting against Rebel but she did it for her family because she'll gladly die for you, Scott, Sabrina, Barry and wouldn't change her decision of dying because her family and friends matter the most to her." Bayley explained as Riley tried her best not to cry.

"But before Maya and I parted ways she said something." Bayley said.

Maya and Bayley were hugging, "Bayley when you wake up tell Riley that when I met her for the first time in a long time... I could imagine a future where I was happy. And it came true because she changed my life for the better she gave me a amazing family and the best memories of my life! I couldn't have asked for a better wife, best friend, soulmate, being the mother of my children. I love her for all that she is all that she have been and all she's yet to be." Maya whispered.

Once Bayley was done Riley was crying for she was happy that Bayley told her this.

"I love her too." Riley replied and the two girls hugged Riley tightly as they hugged her Riley noticed a familiar book once the hug ended Riley got up and picked the book that was in the bag Riley gasped when she realized what book it is.

Riley flipped to the end of the page and it was two pictures one of them was a picture of Maya and herself carrying Sabrina and Barry and the second one was the whole Matthews-Hart Hunter family surrounding Riley around the bed as they smile with Maya carrying Sabrina and her carrying Barry as Scott in the middle of the bed the family smiling.

And in the bottom of the page was a paper that looked familiar, "A friendship that will last a lifetime, we learnt everything together and I couldn't have asked for a better person to climb into my bay window and make my life as amazing as it has been with you by my side from back then to now and forever. I love you and I'll always love you no matter what." Riley finished reading out loud.

"This is the poem that I wrote to Maya for her birthday but I never gave it to her until a few days after I told her I was pregnant." Riley explained as she cried while holding the book.

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