Charlie Decision

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Charlie finally knocked Lucas unconscious and was about to carry him when he heard yelling Charlie ran towards the direction of the yelling and sees Maya and Rebel with the Kunai and knife plunged into their stomach and collapse on the ground.

Charlie knows that Maya didn't want him to infer but he can't just walk away when the warehouse is about to blow up. Charlie sets Lucas on the ground and runs towards Maya's direction when he arrives he sees Maya and Rebel with their eyes closed.

Charlie kneels beside Maya and checks her pulse and sees that's she's alive but barely he then checks Rebel's and he's also barely alive also. Charlie knows he only has a little time left to escape Charlie looks at the two and picks one up leaving the other one behind just as was he was walking away.

"Char... Charlie." The person that was on the floor said Charlie turned around shocked that the person was awake now.

"Help... help me... please." The person begged Charlie stared at the person and then the one he was carrying in his arms.

"I'm sorry but I can't..." Charlie responds with a sad voice as he then walks away heading to the secret exist.

"I knew I couldn't trust you!" The voice yelled loudly but Charlie toned it out as he focused on escaping but as he was almost close to the exist he realized that Lucas was not in the place that he left him.

"He must've escaped somehow or trying to escape for I didn't show him the secret exist." Charlie thought as then left the warehouse.

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